basic home equipment for new members?

So not all of us can/want to go to a gym for various reasons, or maybe just prefer certain exercise activities at home. For those who want to get active at home, what would you suggest to start? I figured this might be a good question for a variety of different beginners, so hopefully we get plenty of answers :)

My first thoughts would be an exercise ball. both for exercise and for on the computer/watching TV. Some simple 5ib dumbbells, an exercise mat(rug burns from carpet suck!) and a computer with plenty of youtube links should work as a great start up, what do y'all think?

Oh, and a puppy/dog, they are definitely good for helping get in shape! ;P


  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Well it depends on what your goals are, haha, for me the computer was already covered, so I got a basic barbell set off Amazon and the book Starting Strength. That and a bunch of free resources was enough to get me going!

    I am currently enjoying Stronglifts 5x5 if anyone is curious, and my hubby insisted we needed a squat rack for the garage! (I am so spoiled)
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    A yoga mat is definitely a good purchase and possibly cheap foam yoga blocks if you decide to do yoga. You may find this link helpful for yoga: It has links to several short videos. I purchased a set of adjustable dumbbell weights from Wal-Mart, they go from 5 - 25 pouds in seconds and are great as you get stronger or if someone else will be working out with you. (My roomie usually uses the 20 pound setting and I am on the 15) I enjoy riding a bike for exercise and bought a bike trainer that I can sit my bike on to hold it in place while I ride in the exercise room. I watch Netflix while I ride. If you are a member of Netflix or Amazon Prime you can find free exercise videos for when you want to try a new workout. You may want to get a jump rope if you have the room to swing it in the house for the cardio benefit.
  • SerenitiC
    SerenitiC Posts: 53 Member
    Thank ya'll for such quick replies! I agree on the computer, I was pleasantly surprised to find so many video's and clips on youtube(or pretty stupid that I didn't think to look there sooner haha!) Though you can get exercise video's on Netflix?? How cool!! I'm checking that out now! Adjustable dumbbells? That would definitely be useful with the two boys in my house, I have a feeling it would be in constant use, even if I didn't focus on those yet. I enjoy using my bike too, I might have to look into that too. For me personally a jump rope wouldn't be a good idea, but I've grumpy neighbors to blame for that.

    EDIT: Looked into Netflix and could not find anything that wasn't in the DVD section :/ I searched fitness, exercise and work out and closest I got was a reality TV show. I did find some video's on Hulu though, so I think those will get a shot tomorrow!