I am back and more determined than ever! Please help!

Hello everyone!
I have been on my fitness pal off and on since 2011 (so it says). I am on advocare now this is day 2 and so far doing good. I am tracking my meals on here so I can kind of keep track what I am putting into my mouth. I am 30 years old with 3 kids and I am at my highest weight of 168 lbs and 5'5 height.With my oldest son i was up to 170 and then i delivered him so this is heavy for me i think its gotten out of control and i'm ready to do something about it.
I can use all the friends and encouragement through this journey!
Thank you! :)


  • cycleman10
    You have 3 good reasons to get in shape! But the most important reason you have to do this is for you. The old saying if you don't love yourself no one else can either, holds true. Took me many years to figure that out. You can do it!!! 80/20 rule. 80% mind and 20% action. You got this.
  • lrose50
    lrose50 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm re-visiting MFP as well. I was closing in on my all time high of 178 and I'm only 5'2". My goal is 31 pounds and down almost 6. I'm very determined as well. Could use more friends for encouragement as well.