Newbie from South Adelaide

Hi everyone :)

Im just starting out. Although i joined a few months ago, i only started in New Year. Im 33 and Im aiming to loose 50lbs before my 35th. Already down 12lb since Christmas :) And as much as i can before June when i visit family in the UK!!
Im in South Adelaide and was wondering if anyone else is around this area? Im looking for friends, maybe who are stay at home mums, maybe wants to go dog walking on the beach, (Brighton-Moana? O'Sullivans is my fav dog walking beach, my pup doesnt do well on leads!) during the day while kids are at school? I have lately been using the cross trainer everyday as well as the dog walk and have so far been shockingly enjoying it.
Im determined this time to get my self fit, healthy and to get my self confidence up. Im so over being the fat friend/family member!
If anyone is interested in joining me, please comment or send me a pm.

Thanks for reading :)