i broke down

and just ate 3 brownies! will be zumbaying my butt off tonight >.>


  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    oh man they were lol.
  • thesevolatiletimes
    thesevolatiletimes Posts: 59 Member
    So what if you ate three brownies? Even if they were not the healthiest food, all food contains nutrients, macronutrients, minerals, etc, which are fuel and nourishment for your body. :)

    Think of it this way: all that glucose you consumed is totally going to fuel your Zumba workout! Even if you decide to not workout, your body will find a way to process that glucose efficiently, as long as you remain active, and continue to eat a healthy, and nutritious diet. :3

    It's okay to indulge sometimes, as long as it's in moderation, and it doesn't become a habit. Don't beat yourself up over something like indulgences too! Like you said yourself....those brownies were totally worth it! ;) We all deserve to have a bit of dessert every now and then! <3
  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    But im only on day 4 of my diet lol, it was just a terrible hankering for something chocolatey. however, I am planning on doing some crazy zumba moves tonight!!!
  • beedifferent
    beedifferent Posts: 6 Member
    i ate too much pasta
  • jzs20
    jzs20 Posts: 58 Member
    I just ate some nasty frozen pizza even though i dislike it and knew i'd get sick aftrwards... ugh.
    crazy how binges work eh ?
  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    Waaay too crazy! Guess it means we're all just human. However, after dinner and exercise I should still be within my deficit.
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    We all do this and it is not a big deal when we don't make it an excuse to go totally off the rails. I'm pretty sure brownies would have been hard for me to resist too. I have a def sweet tooth, it's like the last craving issue I really have to break so I understand. Plus, we should all indulge sometimes. I tend to rebel against authority ;) so if I tell myself "I can't have that" - guess what happens next? lol so I retrain my mind a bit and say "I choose not to eat that" or "I don't eat those" - that surprising little mind trick has really really worked for me a lot in the past and now :). Good luck
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    you ate three brownies, not twenty. you body will deal with it. i wouldn't give it another thought. now, if you do it every day (above an beyond your calorie allotment and notice weight gain)...then you should concern yourself with the brownie (or related) indulgences.
  • thesevolatiletimes
    thesevolatiletimes Posts: 59 Member
    But im only on day 4 of my diet lol, it was just a terrible hankering for something chocolatey. however, I am planning on doing some crazy zumba moves tonight!!!

    SO?! Try not to be so black and white about your thinking! Yes you may of over-eaten/eaten something that you didn't plan on eating....but that doesn't mean you're going to gain 30 pounds, lose any muscular strength that you have, etc. It merely means that you indulged in a craving you had, which we all do from time to time, and is totally healthy!

    If you continue to put yourself on diets, this is continually going to happen (due to physical, and or/emotional reasons). Deprivation leads to over-eating: it's a known fact. So, why don't you make dietary changes, instead of putting yourself on a diet? You can have a healthy diet, that includes having some chocolate every now and then! Cutting something out of your diet completely just makes no sense, because there are no unhealthy foods: only unhealthy attitudes, and unhealthy portions/frequencies of consumption.

    Ps. If you're craving chocolate, try finding some minimally processed dark chocolate! It's full of phytochemicals (three cheers for health benefits)!