Need Some Motivation

Hello, everyone!

Feeling very low today. I feel like I'm losing weight and such and I feel generally more energized...

But I still feel yucky (I'm about 120 lbs. away from my goal). Like there's some fat on my body that's causing just extreme stress.. And when I sit in lecture halls at my classes, the desks are very uncomfortable..

Just feeling low today. I would love some words of motivation to help me keep going.


  • tulip_in_a_cup
    tulip_in_a_cup Posts: 117 Member
    Don't worry, things can always be worse! You're in a great place, making small steps in order to make big changes :) you can do it!
  • lecounth
    lecounth Posts: 42 Member
    We all have our days and even weeks of low periods but the important thing is to keep focus on the big picture -- when I am feeling stuck at a point, I pull out the biggest pants I've ever worn and step into them to remind myself of how far I've come. Then I have a little talk with myself and get right back into the swing of things.

    You can do it even if you take baby steps!!
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Proud off you for making the commitment to improve yourself. Stay strong - you're in a marathon, and you're already seeing improvement (in your energy level). Maybe you can set some short term goals for yourself and then be sure to celebrate them (tell the world - or at least your MFP family)! Keep with your routine - it will pay off in the long run! Go do something positive for yourself, something that will make you smile like your profile pic!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I know, you want it gone now. But, unfortunately we can't just wish it away. It takes time and commitment. We have the time, the time will pass whether we are doing anything about it or not. So, we may as well capitalize on that time so a year from now we will be much closer to reaching our goals. Don't get discouraged, set some smaller goals to work towards. Once you reach one goal, set another. They don't all have to be weight related. It could be to walk a little farther every day (there are apps for smart phones that will count steps), or it could be working up to 5 veggies every day, or whatever might take you further toward the overall goal. Just don't quit :)
  • Make mini goals...weekly goals or even daily goals...I have found the best thing to do for myself when im feeling discouraged is to make attainable short term goals....then celebrate them...because you deserve steps are still steps and its still a big deal as long as it keeps you heading in the right direction.
  • You are AWESOME! and say that to yourself 10 times and whenever that little evil voice in your head starts talking bad about you. Think of all you have already accomplished and all the greatness you are already well on your way to achieving!
  • I keep a journal. It helps quite a bit actually. I write whatever, whats bothering me, what I ate if I feel like it, (mostly keep track of what I eat on this site) how I think I'm doing just put down anything. I get low too, it feels like its a big mountain when you look at the main goal so I make mini goals, I like to call them hills, because walking up a hill isn't as hard as hiking up a mountain.

    When you think ugh this sucks or I feel yuck or blah just realize you are worth it, that is what does it for me, I sit down pour out that self doubt and crap into my journal even if its just the nonsense of the everyday and I leave it there and I dont carry it with me anymore.
  • jlgobert
    jlgobert Posts: 41 Member
    There will be bad days but you jsut have to remember that this is a process. I have lost weight a few times in the past and I gained it back becasue it was not a life change it was a diet. Being a man i usually lost the weight pretty fast also, but as I said it came back pretty fast also. You say you are losing weight so that is wonderful. Just know that you will have ups and downs but as long as you are commited to a life change the weight will come off. My wife uses a different website but she is also about a hundred pounds from where she wants to be but she is so excited because she is seeing and feeling the difference in how she is losing weight. No diet works but a commitment to changing your way of life. She always told me she hated excercise, and now she cannot wait to get up and get to the gym. She knows her road is long, but she also knows it is worth it. Enjoy the small achievments, the shirt that is a bit looser than it used to be, the belt that yo need to pull one more hole tighter. I think the first thing I noticed was a shirt that I hated to wear but my wife loved was not s snug as it used to be. I wore it everytime we went out for a month. Now I am in a suit I could not wear for many years and thought I never would again. stay up, anyting that is worth while takes time.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Keep on pushing!!!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    Try not to focus on how far you have to go but how far you have come already! =)
  • ashleydhill777
    ashleydhill777 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, just reading some of your posts on this page has my hope just overflowing. I so long to get to the place where my little ticker says 100lbs gone, but I know it's a process. It didn't come on over night, and I know it's not going to go away like that. I keep telling myself to enjoy the journey rather than obsessing over the destination. Thanks for sharing....
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    :smile: I personally find that taking the goals in small steps help. Instead of looking at a goal of 120 lbs try taking it in 10 lbs increments. I have been where you are at. It can seem a bit overwhelming. right now I am looking at 42 more lbs to go but setting smaller goals helps a whole bunch. If there are other things weighing you down try to step back and relax a bit. Be good to yourself and don't be too hard on you. You can make it. Hang in there.