Another that time of the month question

Just a little bit ago there was another question about water weight and weighing yourself. My question is how many of you slip on your diet with the intense cravings that some of us get. Today is day three and I am now beating myself up because I went over my calories about 200 to 300 with mostly sugar items these last three days. Should I just give myself a break three days a month or do you have any tips to not give in to it? Also what days are the hardest for you?


  • VelcroButt
    VelcroButt Posts: 34 Member
    If you're usually eating at around a 500 calorie deficit I think adding an extra 200-300 cals for a couple days a month is just fine. It's better to let yourself have a little extra when you're very hungry or having an intense craving than try to deny yourself to the point where you end up binging. For me the hardest days are the 2 days before and the first day of my period.
  • fujiko
    fujiko Posts: 58 Member
    I hate that time. I always try to stay within my calories the week before, but I barely manage. So, while I do overeat, I try to do so in a healthy manner and keep the snacks to a minimum. At least it's never a total disaster in that case and I tend to lose more during the actual time.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I eat what I am craving (in moderation) and exercise. Exercise not only helps stave off "real" weight gain, but it also decreases the severity of your period. Don't beat yourself up -- every day is a new start!
  • Nurse210cz
    Nurse210cz Posts: 2 Member
    I always struggle two days before and the first two days during. I find those two days I do extra exercise, more so then normally would. This serves two purposes. First it helps drastically with the cramping and second I have extra calories to eat so when it is 10pm and I am craving those sweets I just go for it knowing I am still within my calorie range.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have a big candy bar more for about 2 days. But I get sick on my stomach on in, so my calories definitely work out. I'd still have the candy bar regardless, though. It's just kind of like that ;)
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    my first three days are the hardest.. i usually make a pan of black bean brownies.. choc chia pudding. i have my treats planned out.. i don't eat processed foods my body cant handle gluten so i make all my foods so i just prep a few things to be prepared for the cravings.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i also do light movement.. it does help
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    Edit: sorry repeat :blushing:
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    my first three days are the hardest.. i usually make a pan of black bean brownies.. choc chia pudding. i have my treats planned out.. i don't eat processed foods my body cant handle gluten so i make all my foods so i just prep a few things to be prepared for the cravings.

    Black bean brownie?? That sounds awesome!! Do you have a recipe?

    I keep skipping months..I've been told I have PCOS but I have had massive cramps these past couple of days and the bloated feeling with no relief. So tough. :(
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I'll sometimes eat at maintenance, but I won't go over because I don't want to gain. I eat healthy to make sure I get enough nutrients, especially iron. I usually keep some small treats around, like dark chocolate, and have a serving and log it.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Haha! I love that someone mentioned black bean brownies!! I have a friend who is obsessed with chocolate but is also into eating healthy and clean and she makes the best black bean chocolate's so good.

    Anyway, give yourself a break and don't worry! Stressing out over what we eat is a trigger for negative feelings about your body and self and will not help in the craving department. Stress is unhealthy and it should be avoided if at all possible. In general you should concentrate on eating healthy but if you're miserable and it's only for a day or two, then don't worry!

    I used to have terrible periods...but for some reason now that I'm older I have a pretty light and easy time (I'm knocking on wood right now!). My first day is the worst...once I know I've started I'll immediately take some pain relievers b/c I'll have bad cramps...but just for that first day really.
    I still workout b/c I feel it helps.