Question for 30 day Shredders

I just started Jillians 30 day shred a couple days ago, ive done 2 days in a row and I am SUPER sore! Even after an hour long private yoga session I am still hurting.
My question is, Do you all do the shred EVERY day? or do you take a day off? every other day? I want to push through the pain, but I also dont want to burn myself out or hurt myself in sort of OK shape, but this shred is killing me :(

~ Liz :)


  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I've been doing it every day - and YES I AM SORE!!! I think that's the plan, though. She says you can lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days if you do it every day. Every day does get easier. I was able to make it through the push ups and the bicycle crunches today - first time for me for both (today was my 5th day). I can definitely feel the difference. I am still sore - I do the 30 DS at night, so getting up the stairs to bed is a challenge. I will continue to do it every day because I want to lose the 20 lbs and because i want to have my fat go away while getting muscle tone at the same time.

    Good luck on your journey.
