Increasing Calories

Hi all!

So last year I was doing 1200 cal/day for 4 days out of 7 and eating whatever I wanted on the other three days, no restrictions. It worked out pretty well I maintained at 123/124 and I felt like I had enough energy.

Recently I have been concerned about the 1200 being to low because of slower metabolism and no muscle gain (I don't know if that true that you don't gain muscle with a deficit, but I feel like I have). I am thinking about increasing a little bit to 1350 calories, but I feel like I won't reach my 124 ish weight. I only need to lose 3 lbs to reach that weight (I know that isn't much), but with increasing I feel like I will go back.

If someone knows what I should be doing or what is best that would be great, because obviously I have no idea. I am 5'4 and 127.2 lbs. Add me if you would like!
