Paleo people?

vanessie4 Posts: 9 Member
Looking for my fellow paleo pals ! I don't totally live off of the paleo diet all the time, I tend to do it for a month or two then go back to regular eating for a while. Currently I am doing it though, I love how effective and clean it is eating paleo! Anyone looking to eat clean and lose weight I highly recommend it to! It does wonders (: so if you already do paleo or maybe have interest in it or just looking for a friend add me! We can possible share recipes and snack ideas? I'm always in the market for friends with goals in health and fitness weather you're in great shape or struggle just like me !!!


  • RuggerAlly
    Ah, finally someone else who eats paleo! Well, I attempt to, I should say hahah. Its nearly impossible to eat fully paleo at college (between being broke and being forced to use the cafeteria), but I try as hard as possible (though I do eat/drink dairy a fair bit which definitely isn't recommended in paleo but I'm slowly cutting back on it).

    I'm always looking up paleo recipes to try (:
  • supra_driven
    supra_driven Posts: 90 Member
    I've just incorporated eating more paleo style lately. Personally, reducing my overall carbs reduces my bloating feeling. Recently, I baked me a nice big 14" pizza with total carbs of 9g using oopsie "bread".