slim body cleanse and garcinia diet max

Has anyone ever used slim body cleanse and garcinia diet max. I wish to hear success stories.
I know people would say eat clean and exercise I am already doing that,just want to know a little more about this pills.

Thanks all in anticipation


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    Well based on my understanding the only thing they make slimmer is your wallet.

    You are not going to hear eat clean from me.

    my suggestion is stay at a reasonable calorie deficet, eat what you want in that deficet, exercise if you want, that's it...that easy and it wont cost a thing except cost of food.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Any diet that requires you to take potions that claim miraculous outcomes is not going to work to help you lose weight. You've already mentioned eating and exercising, and they're the secret to weight loss, not over-marketed pills with unknown ingredients that promise 20lb weight loss in a month.