30 day shred & C25K-How often..

Hey everyone, I did a round of 30 day shred (I was a couple days short of finishing level 3), before my wedding in October. Then of course after the wedding I took a break from pretty much any & all exercise (dumb I know). I need to get back at it. I've noticed a lot of people saying they do 30 day shred & the C25K also. Do you do them on the same days? Which one do you do first? I never made it past week 6 on the C25k and that was a few years ago. I'm just nervous whichever one I do second I won't have as much energy for.
I think using these two "plans" at the same time will really help me, especially since they both gradually get harder. But I also don't want to commit to much & set myself up for failure. Any advice?


  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    You could always alternate: C25K is meant to be only 3 days a week, so you could alternate that with the shred 3 days a week and then take one rest day.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Well what are your goals?

    Personally I am looking to get strong and lean so I am doing Stronglifts 5x5 and loving it! It is also three days a week, and It might be a good companion to C25K.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Well what are your goals?

    Personally I am looking to get strong and lean so I am doing Stronglifts 5x5 and loving it! It is also three days a week, and It might be a good companion to C25K.


    30 Day Shred is circuit training .....mostly cardio with some weights thrown in. A good companion for C25K would be straight up strength training.

    If you still want Jillian Michaels (most of her DVDs are circuit) but she does have a few strength focused DVDs. This site will give you a graph of what type of workout to expect.......
