
I just went to draw my curtains slightly and everything started spinning and i just fell to the floor not like stumble just flopped and didn't register until after what had happened.
I suffer from anorexia and M.E and was wondering if this was a blackout ?
We have a medical blood pressure machine and it's reading was
97/58 and my heart rate was 75 which is high for me as it's always been no higher than 64.

Thank you hope everyones well.

Oh and forgot yesterday i had a relapse with my bulimic tendencies and made myself sick a lot for the first time in 2 months.


  • dstacky
    This happened to me many times when i was in hospital at the end of last year with severe anorexia, they said it was coz of my low blood pressure, lack of iron, and low red blood cell count...

    take an iron supplement and drink pleanty of water, i know it sounds unhealthy, but when my pulse was 40pbm i used to pile salt into my soup to try and raise didnt really work, but then i got addicted to salt, kicked it now, but yeh...dunno what i shared that lol, hope it doesnt happen to you again
  • dstacky
    i share your battle with bulimia too, i would spend half an hour making sure i'd puked up everything i possibly could, but i've been trying to stop now, my dietician told me that the stress of induced vomiting swells the glands in your neck which can make you look puffy, so i've stopped doing it for now and am just trying to eat less in general so i dont feel the urge to

    i'm pretty sure i've stuffed my gag reflex and internal muscles tho, when i bend over to pick up my dogs chew toy i vomit in my mouth without meaning to, hope this doesnt happen to you
  • julia23
    Sorry to hear you went though that.
    Thanks for the advice my head is pounding now so nice cold water sounds inviting.
    Fingers-crossed it doesn't happen again especially in front of people!
    Take care.

    Didn't see your other post! Yeah my gag reflex hates me i can't burp without throwing up (charming i know). And i gave myself internal bleeding in my stomach from constant violent vomiting, not a great place to be ! Hoping it was just a one day relapse!
  • dstacky
    Sorry to hear you went though that.
    Thanks for the advice my head is pounding now so nice cold water sounds inviting.
    Fingers-crossed it doesn't happen again especially in front of people!
    Take care.

    Didn't see your other post! Yeah my gag reflex hates me i can't burp without throwing up (charming i know). And i gave myself internal bleeding in my stomach from constant violent vomiting, not a great place to be ! Hoping it was just a one day relapse!

    the burping thing sucks, that happens to me too, i havent made my stomach bleed tho i did cut up my throat pretty all time low was when i took ipecac syrup, i ended up in the E.R because i was vomiting violently every 15 minutes for 7 hours...worst night ever, i lost my voice for 2 days after it