
How do your curb your cravings?

My cravings are typicallly the unhealthy kind and I am looking for ideas on how to avoid/stop/retrain my mind kind of ideas, any help is greatly appreciated!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Oh my gosh, I was just talking to a bunch of clients of mine about this last night!

    Here are a few ways I deal with cravings:

    1) Distract yourself! Pick up a hobby that engages your hands and your mind, call a friend or relative, work out (just to spite that silly craving), clean up your space, get OUT of the house and away from the temptation, if you have a support group/buddy or coach give them a call so they can talk you down!

    2) If your craving is for something sweet it could oftentimes mean that what you ACTUALLY need is protein so grab a few almonds or a chicken breast or something similar instead.

    3) Plan ahead and make some healthier craving alternatives (like healthier protein bars or kale chips) so when you're craving something sweet or salty you can indulge without worrying too much.

    Hope they help! Feel free to friend request me! :)
  • Erinelda
    When I stopped eating crap I wanted crap less and less and in a few weeks my cravings trained to what is in the fridge. So say I crave chocolate, I tell myself that is not happening and I am not even sorry.. Then I picture the closest thing I do have, do I want an orange, baby carrots, a fruit greek yogurt, a smoothie? When the answer is yes I get it, when my answer is no I tell myself I am not hungry then.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I try and find healthier ways to satisfy that craving (like one tbsp of cocoa powder in oatmeal if I want chocolate, or a protein bar), otherwise I just have a small piece.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I have kinda specific rules about different cravings, but here you go...

    Chocolate - I love milk chocolate, but if I'm craving chocolate I go for dark. I usually keep dove squares in the house. I'm rarely tempted to snack on them because they aren't milk chocolate, and they kick the craving. 8 squares is like 290 calories and 19 grams of fat, which isn't actually too bad, but you could obviously have less.

    Baked goods - If I want it, I have to bake it. Usually that immediately means I give up on it, because I'm lazy :P Especially in the summer. If you're going to go through with the effort of baking something, then you must really want it, and let it be a treat. Bake in small batches, just enough for you and your family or friends to have one piece of whatever it is without leftovers.

    Chips and snacks and junk - I fight these. I try to replace chips with nuts. These are the worst for me, I'm still working on it.

    Soda - Stop drinking soda. I stopped, and it was hard for like 2 days, and now I don't crave it ever. I drink Vitamin and Sobe water for my flavored drinks. And I used to drink like 5 cans of diet soda a day, thinking I couldn't live without it. Now it even kinda grosses me out.