looking for buddies in Minnesota

I have started my weight loss journey in November. I am a week out from a intensive weight loss hospital stay and want to keep on track. Would like to find buddies in the twin cities so that we can encourage and support each other during this journey. I know we can all do this with support and motivation.


  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Hey! I started in July and I live in St. Paul. I'd love to be your buddy! It'd be great to be friends with more people in the area.

    P.S. Fun fact. Today is 50 degrees warmer than yesterday (wind chill wise at least) and it's STILL freezing.
  • LOL. I can feel the heat wave out there! Its been too cold to actually leave my home. Hopefully after this next blast of frigid air it will start to warm up and winter will be over. I am going to add you as a friend as soon as I figure out how. I just jointed the site earlier in the week. Congrats on the 62 pound weight loss so far. You are an inspiration.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    LOL. I can feel the heat wave out there! Its been too cold to actually leave my home. Hopefully after this next blast of frigid air it will start to warm up and winter will be over. I am going to add you as a friend as soon as I figure out how. I just jointed the site earlier in the week. Congrats on the 62 pound weight loss so far. You are an inspiration.

    Aww, thank you so much :blushing: I've still got a ways to go, but I'm excited about what's happened so far.

    As for winter, I'm trying not to get too antsy about it being over. We've probably got until mid-end of March before we start feeling the heat. I'd be up for like 20's-30's consistently though!
  • ThineOwnselfBTrue
    ThineOwnselfBTrue Posts: 49 Member
    I live in Rochester area but would be willing to buddy up :)
  • I was wondering what you are doing for exercise? This is the biggest challenge for me is to find a way to exercise effectively with no equipment and no membership. I have tried this dance exercise DVD but its not very good and it only goes for 30 mins. Most dance DVD's are for Wii or Xbox which I don't have. Been trying to find a good Zumba DVD but they are all for Wii and such. Can't seem to find a DVD set that is good enough for me to use effectively. I need at least an hour of aerobic for it to do me any good.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    I'm here in the cities always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou: .
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I was wondering what you are doing for exercise? This is the biggest challenge for me is to find a way to exercise effectively with no equipment and no membership. I have tried this dance exercise DVD but its not very good and it only goes for 30 mins. Most dance DVD's are for Wii or Xbox which I don't have. Been trying to find a good Zumba DVD but they are all for Wii and such. Can't seem to find a DVD set that is good enough for me to use effectively. I need at least an hour of aerobic for it to do me any good.

  • I have went ahead and added as friends the individuals that have requested. Thank you so much for letting me know you would like to be buddies. It always is very helpful to not have to do this alone but to have the support of like minded people.

    I love to walk. This time of year it is very difficult to walk with negative wind chills and all the ice making it too slippery to navigate. Walking for a hour a day will have to wait until the weather is tolerable. I know I can drive to a mall and do it but for what ever reason that intimidates me more than walking in the snow and ice in the dangerous cold.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I was wondering what you are doing for exercise? This is the biggest challenge for me is to find a way to exercise effectively with no equipment and no membership. I have tried this dance exercise DVD but its not very good and it only goes for 30 mins. Most dance DVD's are for Wii or Xbox which I don't have. Been trying to find a good Zumba DVD but they are all for Wii and such. Can't seem to find a DVD set that is good enough for me to use effectively. I need at least an hour of aerobic for it to do me any good.

    My apartment has a gym, so I usually walk/run on the treadmill in there. In addition I've been doing strength training with some resistance bands I bought twice a week. I've also done a few dance videos that I found on Youtube. Seriously, check out Youtube for workout videos. They range anywhere from 20 minutes to half an hour.

    And what do you mean by you need an hour of aerobic for it to do you any good? Are you looking for a certain amount of calories burned, or basing it off of how you feel? Because really, moving at all helps. It really depends on what you want to get out of the exercise, as well as how hard you're working during a session of aerobics.
  • ahende612
    ahende612 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'm from MN... in the cities! I don't have a gym membership either, but am working on getting one for the YWCA on Lake Street really soon. Feel free to add me! I am just starting my weight loss journey, but would love to have local friends to stay motivated with!
  • Good luck with the YWCA in Mpls ahende. I hope you can become a member and be able to use it. I would love to join the club down the street but for now I will have to make due with what I have. Exercising in the home is really hard to do and to stay motivated doing. I think it would help if I had better DVDs to use.

    I learned while during the intensive weight loss hospital stay at the VA 45 mins to a hour of steady exercise is really working for me. I was using the fitness center walking the treadmill with 2 percent incline keeping mets between 3 to 3.6 was really helping me with the weight loss. I want to be able to keep up the same intensity without using a treadmill because I don't have one here at home. I would love to find a good Zumba DVD. The search continues to find a DVD that can keep me motivated and want to use everyday.
  • bethyv1030
    bethyv1030 Posts: 226 Member
    I live in the twin cities. It's always fun to meet ppl from the same area. Also what are you guys doing for exercise since going outside isn't really a realistic choice? Feel free to add me :)
  • That is my huge challenge right now is exercising inside the home. I don't have any really good DVD's to use so I have been putting on music and stepping up and down the stairs to get the heart rate up. Its kind of boring and not really effective but at least I am moving. LOL

    There is no way I am walking out there in negative wind chills. Its STILL windy out there even though its above zero. I am getting cabin fever.
  • wkhauser
    wkhauser Posts: 25 Member
    I live in Des Moines so we aren't quite neighbors per say... but if you want a midwest buddy feel free to add me as well.
  • *waves* I'm from the Mpls suburban side of the world :) Feel free to add me too!

    As for indoor exercise… Some days I head for the dome in Plymouth and walk indoors. It's cool, I still wear a light jacket, but it's not cold. I also just moved our exercise bike into the house from the garage where it was in 'storage'. *whistles innocently* Finally I've been doing workouts from a couple of iPad apps: DailyBurn, Popsugar and FitStar. DailyBurn has a monthly fee, but I really like the 'True Beginner' series.
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    Hey from west central MN! have you looked into zumba classes? here they are like $2-3 per class,so cheap if you go 1-2X a week,,I LOVE riding bike! but in MN that isnt really an option in the winter,so I do have a stationary bike,I got it on clearance last year for $150,,and for the money its been a good bike,I often put 15 miles a day on it.I put on my IPod and make my own little spin class at home,most of my songs are fast beat with a few slow and my shuffle does its thing and I follow along with the beat..it works out really well for me,I also take Tae Kwon Do twice a week and 2 weeks ago I started Jamie Eason's lifting program off bodybuilding.com.I have to say I notice a big difference in my strength already.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    Also from MN, St. Paul area. If u have a computer there's a lot of different exercises on there. You can search whatever exercise and length you want and it'll be there, or something similar anyways. When watching TV you can march in place, or just get up every commercial and march or walk in place. Good luck on your journey
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm not in the cities. I live in northern WI, but am from Duluth! Feel free to add me.
  • laurelthistle
    laurelthistle Posts: 145 Member
    I'm in central MN, so not quite in the Cities, but friend me if you'd like.