
Gonna just put this here now if the below looks TL;DR: Hello! Nice to meet you! 24, Female, married, 5'3'', lives in NYC. Looking to eat better in general and work out more. I like games and anime and other things. Looking for friends for support. Please don't bite my head off about stuff if we're friends. I promise I don't bite either if you're nice. So let's be friends!

Hello Everyone! I'm 24, live in NYC, and am new here. It's nice to meet you! I'm looking for some friends just to chat with and to keep each other motivated to just living better as a whole.

I'm currently about halfway into my weight loss goal, though that will probably fluctuate as I change my diet soon from the 1200/day plan to something more sensible after reading this post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/931670-bmr-and-tdee-explained-for-those-needing-a-guide . I'm also expecting a Fitbit One in the mail sometime next week, so that should help as well.

I'm overall looking to go from 130-120. I'm 5'3'' and 24. But that's really just the beginning. I'm hoping to drop my body fat % from 36.6% now (if I measured it correctly) to the 20% range and just tone up. I'm also just looking to eat better as a whole- no diets or anything-just eat more fruits and veggies than junk. In my personal opinion life is too short to deny yourself pasta and cake if you can get it, so while I don't want to cut it out of my life completely I am committed to having it less often. In short, I'm just looking to be healthier in general.

I have made an effort to lose weight in the past, and was successful. In the span of about a year with a combined effort of watching what I eat and a lot of exercise in college (I used to fence) I went from about 140 to the 121-125 range. Nowadays while I try to keep motivated, it's very difficult since I don't have too much of a support group with me right now. My husband roots me on, but he doesn't really need to keep track of his weight/food/exercise since he's naturally athletic and fit.

If you'd like to just have a buddy to chat with and keep you motivated to just eating better or talk about random stuffs, then feel free to friend me. I'm naturally my own worst critic so I ask that if you are the chastising type, at this stage of my journey I don't believe it would be helpful. I assure you I am naturally the hardest person on myself that I know.

In regards to other things about me, I'm kinda geeky. I mostly play Nintendo games (biiiig Zelda fan) and I do watch some anime. In fact, my hope is that if I make great progress on these goals by summer, I'm going to try and cosplay at New York Comic Con this year :D. I'm also a budding Star Trek fan-the hubby and I finished TOS and are scheduled to get the 6th movie soon on Netflix (Bones is awesome X3). I crochet mostly amigurumi but I have also made some clothes, and I like to cook. I also like Indian, Japanese, Chinese(Dim Sum is awesome), Italian, Colombian and some Cuban food (I tend to go out to eat sparingly though, and I will eat smaller portions if I do go. I do get takeout on the weekends, but I work to calculate what I can eat before I order). There's probably more, but that's just off the top of my head right now. So if you do like any of the above we can chat about it :3. If you don't that's cool too, we can still talk and be each others' pep ralliers.

Hope this isn't too long and doesn't get too many people upset...I normally never talk on forums but I'm willing to put myself out here to make friends and stay committed to this change in lifestyle, since in the long run it will be beneficial to me.

So, um, yeah. Please friend me. .////.;


  • impossibleBadWolf
    impossibleBadWolf Posts: 25 Member
    I so want to make it to NYC for Comic Con!!! Too bad I'm on the other side of the country haha