Sodium Lesson for folks

I learned a big lesson on sodium and my body this week. I went to the dr for a checkup Tuesday (today is Friday). My weight (despite far exceeding my daily and weekly calorie goals) was up 5 lbs from my last weigh in (4 days prior). In addition, my BP was a full 15 points higher than it usually is.

I was pretty upset/disturbed. I had lost 25 lbs or 12% of my weight and my BP was higher?!?!?!?! and now my weight was creeping up too!!!!! I felt all the empowerment i had achieved using MFP starting to slip away.

When i got home, i looked closely at my journal and noticed i had eaten a bunch of homemade ham soup the past two days (made it one day and just ate off it). I figured i was doing well since it was not too many calories. Turns out it was an obscene amount of sodium, though. So from Wed - Friday I focused on sodium levels.

By Friday morning my BP was back to normal and i weighed a full 9 lbs less. This was a very very very good lesson for me in so many ways: 1. watch sodium, 2. my body is particularly sensitive to sodium, 3. water weight can drastically swing weight ins.

Hope others find this data helpful.