Question About Counting Fruits & Veggie Calories



  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I log everything - no matter what. I don't believe in free foods.

    Ditto! I log every grape, every slurp of juice, every peanut, etc. etc. Those little "bites" add up quickly and it's easier to log them NOW than worry about why my numbers aren't adding up and why I'm not losing weight LATER. Best of luck! :smile:
  • UncertainAngel12
    UncertainAngel12 Posts: 30 Member
    Same as everyone here I would log it.

    I had no idea just how many calories my standard cup of tea had in it. With my new measures I accurately measured my two teaspoons of sugar and the 1/4 cup of milk I put in and OMG would you believe it's a 100 calorie t hing, just one cup of tea.

    I know banana's clock it in there too, but think about it, better a 150 cal banana than a 150 cal bag of lollies or some such, no?

    Log it all and you'll be amazed how automatic you will be in adjusting your eating habits in response to what your mind knows is in the foods too. Some fruits, as mentioned, can be high in sugars if eaten in great quantity and I've noticed nuts can be high in fat.

    I love MFP. Screw weight watchers, content is more important than calories. i've read the backs of their foods and I tell you I would not put that stuff in my body. I like making my own meals and tracking my calories over putting my true health into someones hand.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Carl: "Our members aren't eating anough fruits and veggies. What should be do Bob?"
    Bob: "I have an idea Carl. Let's just tell them they're free"
    Carl: "Brilliant!"

    In all seriousness, I was actually pretty amazed at how MANY calories most fruit was and how FEW most vegetables were. Regardless if there's many or few, you got to log that stuff. Setting a precedence of "selective logging" right off the bat will only ensure epic failure. Starts with fruits and veggies today, tomorrow its a few tootsie rolls and next week it's a McChicken off the dollar menu.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Log everything, the more accurate data you put in, the easier it is to look back and figure out what's going well and what's going not so well. When you start thinking your on a plateau you can look back and see no my calories have been higher, and then you can fix the problem. If you don't put in all the information you can't get correct answers.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Log it. 1 apple & 1 banana and a serving of veggies easily adds up to 200-300 calories. The banana alone average 100 calories. And those are smallish bananas.
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    Log everything (even WW tells you that). I sent you the formula for the new points plus via e-mail in case you want to see how they compare. I've found even with the free fruit, I'm still within my MFP macro's. And if I'm not, I needed that snack and it's as healthy as I can get so I don't beat myself up.

    Good Luck!
  • cpdemos
    cpdemos Posts: 4 Member
    I log everything. The only things I don't log are my regular walking around campus to get to class. However, remember: when you exercise, you get those calories back. Whenever I notice my morning was higher in calories than normal, I work out a little harder to get enough back for a filling meal at dinner, including any fruits and veggies.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    You are supposed to eat 2 portions of fruit and at least 3 of veggies a day. Cut the excess calories from something else. Fruit and veg are the lowest calorie foods anyway.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I've read that WW gives you a low calorie goal, and you can supplement it with fruits and veggies to meet the real goal for your body.

    Greens are very low in calories, you'll probably be ok not logging. But fruit has sugar and more calories, also fiber and nutrients.

    My motto is everything in moderation, I'm trying, at least! I love fruit!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I count everything. Vegetables and fruit have calories, carbs, etc. that I track. I like being mindful. Most of the time I log the spices that I use.

    My advice is to log everything, weigh your food and measure it when you can't. Try to be as exact as you possible can so that you work within your macros.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I always log fruits and veggies
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    The past 7 days I have consumed 4,763 calories in fruits and vegetables. My weekly deficit is 1,750. If I had not counted them, I would have GAINED 0.86 pounds this week.

    Count that ****.
  • Jewels416
    Jewels416 Posts: 42 Member
    I would track it. I eat a lot of fruit. Since I started this a couple of weeks ago I have not gone over my calorie limit....but my limit is a lot more than yours. What I have noticed that I go over my sugar limit. My doctor said my sugar levels are too high. Tracking everything, including fruit, shows me how easy it is for me to go over on sugar. I think we need to be honest with ourselves and track everything. No one else is looking at this but you. It all adds up.
  • serenity56
    serenity56 Posts: 79 Member
    Track as accurately as you can! They're totally right, fruit especially adds up. And don't NOT eat your fruit because you know you have to log it... eat your fruit, and either cut something less healthy or add a little activity to your day to stay on track. I 'guessestimate' on leafy greens sometimes because they are SO low calorie, I know the number by which I might be off is minute. Don't sweat little stuff, but your fruit/veggie intake as a whole is not 'little stuff' - it's an important part of your diet, and portion of your calorie intake. :)
  • salendire
    If you think it won't add up to much why don't you want to log it? If something has calories it counts whether you log it or not.

    ^ This, I agree with this.