Question re: JM 30 Day Shred

Hey guys, I'm sure many of you have done Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I am on day six today, and I have a couple questions that I was hoping someone could help me out with...

I am noticing that the main part of my body that hurts during/after the exercise is my calves, and they hurt a LOT. I am still on level one but the jumprope/butt kicks/jumping jacks combo one after the other really kills my calves - especially the jumprope. Is this normal? I am not feeling a ton of pain anywhere else - just a bit in the arms and legs. I am noticing I don't have any abdominal pain so I am worried that it's not working in that area... I do the whole program without stopping (except for a few seconds to give my calves a break or grab a sip of water)... but my abs do not feel exercised enough. I am concerned I won't see any progress here, and it's my main target.

As well, I was wondering if I should expect to see any results in my legs? I am looking to see some improvement in my inner/upper thighs... but I don't really know if any of the exercises work this area very much?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • Azra124
    Azra124 Posts: 39
    Hi, I looked again at how long I've been doing 30DS and I'm on day 7 today. My legs also hurt when doing it. My abs barely felt anything also, but I added in more cardio/abs with a few circuits of Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism or with her 6 week 6 pack abs level 1. I say add something else to get your abs working. I thought I wasn't feeling much in my belly because I have a too big layer of fat or something. Glad to see it wasn't just me.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm on day 5(?). My calves don't hurt at all, but my thighs have been VERY sore, particularly the quads. I have arthritis in my knees so I have to modify the jumping jack, butt kick, and jump rope moves. I walk a lot so I don't know that I'm missing out on too much. As far as abs, I've found that if I concentrate on using my abs and not do any pulling with/on my neck that I will feel vague soreness there. Walking with proper posture (shoulders pulled back and down) have worked my abs until I'm not sure I should feel really sore. My arms and shoulders get incredibly tired, but they aren't sore, either. I figure I'm just going to go with it for thirty days and see what my measurements show. The workout does make me tired and out of breath, so it must be working something!
  • Annetinkerbell
    Annetinkerbell Posts: 36 Member
    Level 2 is much harder for your abs and I moved onto it after only about 3days on level 1. Perhaps you just need to move up a level? I currently do level 2 or 3 depending on how I'm feeling. I started on Christmas Day so I guess I have technically completed it. I haven't lost much weight as I don't have much to lose but I have lost an inch or so from my waist. Jillian doesn't recommend you do it every day. I think it should be 4days for 6 weeks with cardio and a rest day during the week too. Good luck and it is a good workout but possibly best if combined with something else as well
  • jackie_moo
    jackie_moo Posts: 73 Member
    Doing level 1 i pretty much limped everywhere cos my calves were sooo stiff. But the good news is that this does go away! ;) Level 2 works abs alot more than level 1. I have since completed the 30DS, and am currently rotating jillians DVDs (1 day of each) and i no longer find my calves stiffen up - i think that once you keep at it, and with your improving fitness, it gets alot better :)
  • Thank you for your help everyone! I will try adding something else in for my abs. I wonder why my calves hurt that badly.

    And that's interesting as well, I was under the impression this program was to be done every single day... Well, I started the program with exactly one month before my vacation so I'm just going to keep it up everyday because I'm not killing myself or anything.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Yea, sometimes I will add a few more ab exercises when I do her 30DS. Honestly, though, the #1 thing that makes my mid-section look better is just loosing the extra fat and bloat. Whenever I do that, I can see whatever muscles I have hiding down there. Since no can target fat loss, I don't know if the ab extra exercises make that much difference. :-/