


  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Oh and best flavor - I like vanilla. I tried green, strawberry and chocolate. But Im not a chocolate fan. I did not like green.
  • cfeineigle
    cfeineigle Posts: 39 Member
    The result is you will become a Beachbody Coach and be as irritating as door to door salesmen.

    Hahaha!! I almost spit my water out when I read that. :laugh:
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Is it worth it?

    Depends, do you normally go around throwing money out the window? Cause it's pretty much a waste of money..
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Unless you have tried it, how can you have an opinion? Its a great product worth the money. It costs approx. $4 per serving - once per day (each of my bags has given me approx. 40 days). It costs me more than that to make a salad. How many people spend more than that per day on coffee or lunch, or junk food?

    This is not a weight loss shake - its a nutritional supplement. It aids in weight loss - its purpose is to give you dense nutrition. There are over 70 super foods in one shake. It costs approximately the same to use per day as Visalus and Isogenix - because you only drink one per day. You can go to the BB site and order a sample pack for approx. $20 plus shipping. It gives you a chance to try a few of the flavours.

    The combination of nutrients gives you energy, reduces cravings, and supports your immune system.

    I am a walking advertisement for this product and am damn proud of it.

    Coaches are here to help you - not sell you. I am not on this site to sell people, I am a coach and I am here to keep my eating accountable and meet with others who have the same fitness goals I have. I want to offer people help if they need extra support - and I don't get paid for that. My passion is to help others change their lives - nothing gives me more satisfaction.

    If any of you have had a bad experience with a coach, I am sorry to hear that. Not all of us are the same.

    The opinion of someone who has never tried it is every bit as useful as yours, and a whole lot less slanted. As a coach, you have been sold, and therefore, your "opinion" is really nothing more than the opinion of the company you have bought into.

    OP, don't waste your money.

  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Unless you have tried it, how can you have an opinion? Its a great product worth the money. It costs approx. $4 per serving - once per day (each of my bags has given me approx. 40 days). It costs me more than that to make a salad. How many people spend more than that per day on coffee or lunch, or junk food?

    This is not a weight loss shake - its a nutritional supplement. It aids in weight loss - its purpose is to give you dense nutrition. There are over 70 super foods in one shake. It costs approximately the same to use per day as Visalus and Isogenix - because you only drink one per day. You can go to the BB site and order a sample pack for approx. $20 plus shipping. It gives you a chance to try a few of the flavours.

    The combination of nutrients gives you energy, reduces cravings, and supports your immune system.

    I am a walking advertisement for this product and am damn proud of it.

    Coaches are here to help you - not sell you. I am not on this site to sell people, I am a coach and I am here to keep my eating accountable and meet with others who have the same fitness goals I have. I want to offer people help if they need extra support - and I don't get paid for that. My passion is to help others change their lives - nothing gives me more satisfaction.

    If any of you have had a bad experience with a coach, I am sorry to hear that. Not all of us are the same.

    70 "superfoods" you say?

    youre really are a walking advertisement.

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    If you're super rich, why not try it? If not... Well then there are much cheaper (and healthier) alternatives. I have RAW Meal powder if I feel like having a meal replacement shake.
  • Speazzy
    Speazzy Posts: 79 Member
    Unless you have tried it, how can you have an opinion? Its a great product worth the money. It costs approx. $4 per serving - once per day (each of my bags has given me approx. 40 days). It costs me more than that to make a salad. How many people spend more than that per day on coffee or lunch, or junk food?

    This is not a weight loss shake - its a nutritional supplement. It aids in weight loss - its purpose is to give you dense nutrition. There are over 70 super foods in one shake. It costs approximately the same to use per day as Visalus and Isogenix - because you only drink one per day. You can go to the BB site and order a sample pack for approx. $20 plus shipping. It gives you a chance to try a few of the flavours.

    The combination of nutrients gives you energy, reduces cravings, and supports your immune system.

    I am a walking advertisement for this product and am damn proud of it.

    Coaches are here to help you - not sell you. I am not on this site to sell people, I am a coach and I am here to keep my eating accountable and meet with others who have the same fitness goals I have. I want to offer people help if they need extra support - and I don't get paid for that. My passion is to help others change their lives - nothing gives me more satisfaction.

    If any of you have had a bad experience with a coach, I am sorry to hear that. Not all of us are the same.

    70 "superfoods" you say?

    youre really are a walking advertisement.

    LMAO!!! Yeah, I am going to have to agree w/ skullshank!!! there are plenty of other "meal replacements" that are better quality and less price.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't understand why anyone would buy that. It's freakishly expensive for a damn smoothie. Why not just eat real food? Or you can just go buy fruits/veggies and make your own smoothies...
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I like food way too much to even consider a "meal replacement" LOL
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    people have opinions-doesn't make them right. Find what works for you and what YOU decide is worth it.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I really love shakeology. The ingredients are what sold me. I was very skeptical for a long time. There is absolutely nothing else like it. The foods that it's made from are amazingly good for and really hard to find in your grocery stores. For example Maca root and bilberries. I tried to find bilberries one time and no one new what I was talking about in the grocery store. They way the product is processed,they do it so the nutrients are not lost by heating them. In fact the whole food ingredients in Shakeology are considered raw because they are not dried or heated above temperatures of 115 degrees. Also they do not use soy protein. It is a whey protein. And they do not use artificial sweeteners at all. I totally recommend it. You get what you pay for.
  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    Jump in line (shake, shake señora)
    Shake, shake, shake, Señora, shake your body line
    Shake, shake, shake, Señora, shake it all the time
    Work, work, work, Señora, work your body line
    Work, work, work, Señora, work it all the time

    ^^the best kind of shakeology....get off the couch and shake it...

    eat real good nutrient dense food and move your body.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    I also drink it. I love it and what's the difference if your spending $4-$5 on a fancy coffee everyday for a month or if your purchasing shakeology? It comes out to about the same amount. People are real quick to get their feathers ruffled over a's not that serious. I drink it, I like it, and it's helped me curb my appetite, cravings and has helped a lot with my energy. I am a coach too so 25% discount is always nice too. I'd love to help anyone willing to stop with the excuses because whether it's $15 or $100 someone will always have something negative to say but in the end it all depends on you and your willingness and want to succeed. :drinker: That's all. :glasses: :happy:

    and i still eat fresh fruits, fresh veggies and try new produce ALL the time while pushing play everyday EXCEPT Wednesday cuz a girls gotta rest...all while drinking shakeology. MMMM..MMM..YUMMMY. :laugh: and i'm FAR from RICH, that's just an excuse. Ok for real done. LOL
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    I really love shakeology. The ingredients are what sold me. I was very skeptical for a long time. There is absolutely nothing else like it. The foods that it's made from are amazingly good for and really hard to find in your grocery stores. For example Maca root and bilberries. I tried to find bilberries one time and no one new what I was talking about in the grocery store. They way the product is processed,they do it so the nutrients are not lost by heating them. In fact the whole food ingredients in Shakeology are considered raw because they are not dried or heated above temperatures of 115 degrees. Also they do not use soy protein. It is a whey protein. And they do not use artificial sweeteners at all. I totally recommend it. You get what you pay for.

    genuine question... curious what makes you say that the ingredients you cannot find in food stores (ie, Maca Root and Biliberries) are "amazingly good" for you?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    I also drink it. I love it and what's the difference if your spending $4-$5 on a fancy coffee everyday for a month or if your purchasing shakeology? It comes out to about the same amount. People are real quick to get their feathers ruffled over a's not that serious. I drink it, I like it, and it's helped me curb my appetite, cravings and has helped a lot with my energy. I am a coach too so 25% discount is always nice too. I'd love to help anyone willing to stop with the excuses because whether it's $15 or $100 someone will always have something negative to say but in the end it all depends on you and your willingness and want to succeed. :drinker: That's all. :glasses: :happy:

    and i still eat fresh fruits, fresh veggies and try new produce ALL the time while pushing play everyday EXCEPT Wednesday cuz a girls gotta rest...all while drinking shakeology. MMMM..MMM..YUMMMY. :laugh: and i'm FAR from RICH, that's just an excuse. Ok for real done. LOL

    Absolute nonsense... you do not need shakeology to succeed. Overpriced and useless.
  • brad2021hk
    Bilberry information from Wikipedia:
    "Often associated with improvement of night vision, bilberries are mentioned in a popular story of World War II RAF pilots consuming bilberry jam to sharpen vision for night missions. A study in 2000[5] by the U.S. Navy found no such effect and origins of the RAF story cannot be found.[6] After the introduction of radar, RAF bombing became more accurately targeted, but to confuse the enemy, the story was leaked that it "was something in the pilots' diet" that improved their targeting - that something was carrots, not bilberries, and the story was concocted merely to keep the Germans from knowing the real reason for improved accuracy."

    Otherwise, I don't see anything that makes Bilberry better than say Blueberry. They even look almost the same. This is a common marketing trick. Use some sort of hard-to-find, but likely innocuous ingredient. Tout that ingredient as being the secret key. Profit!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    My's poo and a waste of money. There's a sucker born every minute though so it will remain successful.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Unless you have tried it, how can you have an opinion? Its a great product worth the money. It costs approx. $4 per serving - once per day (each of my bags has given me approx. 40 days). It costs me more than that to make a salad. How many people spend more than that per day on coffee or lunch, or junk food?

    This is not a weight loss shake - its a nutritional supplement. It aids in weight loss - its purpose is to give you dense nutrition. There are over 70 super foods in one shake. It costs approximately the same to use per day as Visalus and Isogenix - because you only drink one per day. You can go to the BB site and order a sample pack for approx. $20 plus shipping. It gives you a chance to try a few of the flavours.

    The combination of nutrients gives you energy, reduces cravings, and supports your immune system.

    I am a walking advertisement for this product and am damn proud of it.

    Coaches are here to help you - not sell you. I am not on this site to sell people, I am a coach and I am here to keep my eating accountable and meet with others who have the same fitness goals I have. I want to offer people help if they need extra support - and I don't get paid for that. My passion is to help others change their lives - nothing gives me more satisfaction.

    If any of you have had a bad experience with a coach, I am sorry to hear that. Not all of us are the same.

    This just negated every other word of the entire post.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Even if I did think that it was going to change my life I wouldn't buy it. I can't afford it anyways. But I got a few samples from a friend and in my opinion, they didn't taste very good. I'd rather just have fresh fruits and veggies. It might not be 70 superfoods, but at least I'll enjoy it!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    and i'm FAR from RICH, that's just an excuse. Ok for real done. LOL

    An excuse for what?

    It's great if it's worth it to you, but no one needs an excuse to not pay for a product that isn't essential for health and weight loss.