vitamin tips for fat loss

any tips?

Overwhelmed taking....

Vitamin D
Green tea extract
Vitamin C

Feel like they are cancelling each other out. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Just take a multivitamin. That eliminates the need to take biotin, D, niacin, and C. And it has other necessary vitamins too.

    CLA and green tea aren't vitamins, they are just supplements. CLA doesn't work, according to studies:
    Green tea can burn a small amount of fat, but that's it. Certainly nothing compared to strength training and cardio, and eating less.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    yep go with a multi..if they do not agree with u...perhaps get a brand that has score lines split..take 1/2 twice a day in divided doses...i knkw sometimes the iron can irritate some people
  • xDawnsgrace
    i take a prenatal vitamin, along with a probiotic, biotin, fish oil, and when i feel like suffering through the taste and smell, a b-complex vitamin.
    i've noticed that the minimum i need to take to feel my best is the prenatal, probiotic, and fish oil pill.
  • ImNothingWithoutChrist
    I take Biotin and it curbs my appetite. I get all of my vitamins and nutrients from my whole food. If you want fat loss drink water and eat fibrous carbs like green leafy veggies.