I want to make 100lbs dissapear!! Need friends!!



  • emmaemz1985
    emmaemz1985 Posts: 140 Member
    In because from the thread title I thought that you were looking to have a very skinny person "taken care of". I was gonna say I know a guy but... never mind.

    Lmfaoooooooo love it!!!!
  • gem2807
    gem2807 Posts: 3 Member
    I need to lose another 60lb we can do thiss
  • DavidHomeshield
    Hey, Man Know the feeling,

    I finally got the message after my first heart attack following the birth of my son and the marrage to my aamazing understanding wife, I finally topped out at over 18st then my sister pointed out that whilst she my have cancer, there was a better chance that I would die before her.

    Well I hit it, I have little staying power and weigh myself every day and nee to see results fast, usually envolves eating only carrots and apples, but who care, I have a bit of a problem ATM as I keep finding food, and eating it, like kids had spare YumYum left out, and I could not resist, Bunner.

    So I exercise a bit on the treadmill, not fit enough to do any thing else drastic, but working on it, the tread mill and a good movie, Dirty Harry last night, was good for 8 miles.

    Well that is me, trying to lose and become not Obese, 20 pounds to go. then just trim to my proper weight, which I honestly dont know if i have ever seen since school, wow.
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to ad me. I started at 255 now at 220 ish. Heading to "onederland".
  • tgermain
    tgermain Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Chris! I too am trying to lose 100lbs. I'm new to this program so I'll try and figure out how to add you.
    I just started "eating clean" as they say about a month ago and for me, getting sugar out of my diet has helped a lot in so many ways.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Welcome to the most supportive place available for someone wanting to change their health and life. I'll echo others, and add two cents worth.

    1. Log every bite and swallow, even if you go over or are embarrassed by it.

    2. Eat at a moderate deficit. Let MFP set your goals or use TYDEE. I followed the MFP recommendations. Do NOT go with an ultra low calorie option because you wont be able to sustain it. You are changing your life, and it isn't a temporary change or you'll end up right back where you started and then some.

    3. Successful MFP folks seem to follow one of two different basic strategies, portion control (moderators) and/or abstaining from trigger foods, (abstainers). Portion control will allow you to eat the foods you love and still lose weight. We invested in a food scale and dishers. I recommend them no matter what strategy you choose. We were already eating healthy foods but we were eating WAY too much. You'll sort out whether you are a moderator or abstainer as you go along.

    4. Move more. Walk, ride a bike or stationary bike, do yoga, or??? It helps to start with something that is easy on your knees and to choose things you actually enjoy.

    5. Some people have trigger foods and have to avoid them regardless of basic strategy.

    6. Drink lots of WATER.

    7. Log every bite and swallow. If I mentioned it before, it is worth repeating.

    Good luck.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Eat less move more. That is the only tip you really need.
  • hughjass783
    hughjass783 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! Looking for other members to keep me motivated and accountable!
  • dafka81
    Just to add something about the goals, to get back into weight loss and use myfitnesspal consistently. My first goal was to log for 30 days straight (and accurately). I find for myself that it is super important to have a variety of goals because you cannot always control and predict the weight loss, like you might have some water retention or a slow couple of weeks. When I set goals I can definitely control and are visible, like being consistent about logging my food and exercise, I feel like I'm getting somewhere even if the scale doesn't show a major difference one week. It's about showing yourself you are making permanent changes in life-style.

    I have also started logging my meals before I make and eat them. This way if it is way more calories than I should have or too high in sodium, I can still adjust to make it more reasonable. If I'm going to eat out, I plan my meal choices before I go out and log them too. This helps me avoid the guilty feelings after making those choices. Sometimes I still make a higher calorie choice, but I am aware of it and add some extra exercise or make a healthier choice for another meal to get that balance back.

    Here's a list of healthy food bloggers: http://www.halfsizeme.com/my-top-20-favorite-food-bloggers/
    I haven't checked all of them out but the ones I have looked at have some great recipe ideas!

    Good luck on your journey! I'd love more friends with positive and optimistic outlooks. Feel free to add me too!
