Is Fiber destroying me? HELP!

I've been following the message boards for a while, however this is my first post! I need help, I feel so frustrated and at such a loss right now.

In November 2013 I decided to eat healthy and change my diet. Ever since then I have been eating, what I would consider, a very healthy diet (I know it's subjective at times). Lots of salads, rich greens, veggies, fruits, chicken, eggs and beans. I didn't eat dairy or wheat and ate very minimal chocolate or deserts (like twice a week). I drank more than 8 glasses of water and exercised every day.

Prior to this new lifestyle turnaround, I was borderline IBS diarrhea, every morning I had an "emergency" run to the bathroom to relieve myself. It didn't interrupt my lifestyle and wasn't extremely painful, just a large BM in the morning.

Since I've been eating better, I've become constipated. My BMs were small and infrequent and a week or two ago started to stop altogether. Panicked, I did what every doctor says, beef up on fiber, lots of water, exercise! However the more fiber rich foods I ate (fruits, broccoli, etc) the worse it got.

This week I've eliminated as much insoluble fiber as possible and have thankfully started to have BMs again, not as much as I think is healthy, but things are flowing again. However it's SO FRUSTRATING. I feel like I can't eat anything, no fruits, no broccoli, big salads, etc, due to the fiber. It's becoming a pain to eat healthy.

Has anyone else had a problem with fiber or constipation like this since eating healthy? WHAT DO I DO?!?! I'm desperate, I love my new healthy lifestyle and am afraid to lose it ):