Here 2 support & 4 support!

Hey everyone! I am Benny! This is my new account on MFP. I am back and more dedicated and fired up then before. I now realize that this is whole thing is mostly mental and how we feel about ourselves plays a big part in our success. I have lost weight but it never stuck because I felt bad about myself. So this time I will focus on my thought patterns regarding my eating and in general.
I believe support and just peer interaction is a vital part of this process. So I have created a group. We Aren't Done Here
This group is for us. Because many of us have been counted out because we have tried over and over again but haven't gotten the results. This group is for us to talk about that and just really be there for each other. This space is for positive people only! Negativity will not be allowed. I mean don't we get enough of that.

Feel free to add me also

Thank you
