This had to be a test of my motivation...

So, I haven't done well for the past week becuase my husband was out of town for about 4 days (leaving me with all the kid duties including sports, etc.) and then my baby got sick. Anyway, I was all geared up to start fresh today with diet and workout. So, I got up and got the kids ready. When they were all prepped to go out the door (my hubby drops them off at school on the way to the gym), I popped in my 30 day shred DVD and started the warm up. Then, my husband threw his back out. I had to stop working out and take the kids to school and get him to the chiropractor. I got to work 4 minutes late and hadn't ate anything. I ate a Fit and Light vanilla Yogurt but was still hungry and ate a chocolate chip cookie. So, I ended up not working out OR eating right. I'm not giving up, I will eat better the rest of the day and do a workout this afternoon while my kids are at practice. I just wanted to rant :( Thanks for listening!


  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I feel for you. You are motivated. You have a plan and you are not afraid to use it. But you have a busy life too and you are a self sacrificing mother. Stay strong. Maybe buy a pedometer, I have the one from Omron, it encourages you to add more steps into your day. While your husband is at the chiropractor you can walk. It records a steady 10 minute walk as cardio, and when you plug it into your computer at the end of the day it has a graph breakingdown the day's movement and calories. I also like the wii fit for when I can't make it to the gym, I can get a 10min work out at any time. What ever you do, don't let interuptions discourage you, we all have handicaps, but your consistant efforts will pay off and you will be a splendid example to your family.