Check my diary?

So this week I've officially gotten over the Christmas break slump and have logged nearly the whole 7 days (Sunday being tomorrow), and I was wondering if there's still anything I could do better :)

My goal is simply higher awareness about my choices (and not too much concentration on calories for the moment), and hopefully weight loss as well.
Having said that, I know that my calorie count is significantly lower than recommended, so I was mostly wondering whether my serving size estimates seem alright?

I know there's more choices available, but most of the time I'm just wanting to keep an idea of the nutritional content of my daily foods so I usually go with the main ones with more information.

Eg. 0.05 of a cup vs a teaspoon of slivered almonds
(A common theme for me due to my experimenting with homemade cereal at the moment)

Any tips for a newbie on serving estimates?

Also, what do you think about my choices? XD


  • bethiewilliams
    Good food choices but calorie intake is far too low. 895 net cals will not keep you going for long and you will end up falling off the wagon through hunger or making yourself I'll, add some fruit and yoghurt maybe but try and eat some of your exercise cals back. Good luck :smile:
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with the post above. You are netting really low. Now I believe every once and awhile won't hurt you but you body does need at least 1200 to function. I also would throw in some more lean meats, fruit, and yogurt. Thos is just me but I noticed you where eating a 1/2 cup spinach or whatever. I would also eat more of what I am eating like maybe a whole cup or something. Just an idea. Are you full after eating so little calories? Lol I never seem to have trouble meeting my goal. Anyways, if you would like to add me as a friend we can help each other stay accountable!!! Best of luck to ya.
  • Vessecora
    Thanks! :D Definitely going to add some yoghurt.

    I feel comfortably full on days such as these when I get less than recommended calories. I'm not sure why (maybe its because I was having the old 3 big meals a day thing) but I felt a bit stuffed when I got to 1200...

    Maybe I should invest in some more grazing time :)
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    Try adding some snacks in there. My favorite is a cup of frozen grapes.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    Good food choices but calorie intake is far too low.

    This. Seeing as you're exercising regularly, I'd be eating at least 1500 (personally I'd be going for more around 1700-1800) if I were you. I know that might sound like a scary amount - and it will feel like a lot at first because you've been running on so little. But you won't gain weight - and if you do, it will be from water retention and the weight of the food in your system which will go away again once your body adapts.

    It's good that you want to be aware of your choices, but remember that you CAN allow yourself to have a treat here and there. Some people (myself included) find it difficult to make good decisions with food when they feel like they're being deprived. So if I want chocolate ice cream, I will have chocolate ice cream. That said, there are others who struggle if there is temptation in the house. Figure out what works for you, and go with that.

    Make changes that you can sustain. I've seen people buy celery sticks and carrots to snack on because they think that's what they need to eat to lose weight. But they don't like celery or carrots, and as a result the aforementioned vegetables turn into elementary school science projects in the bottom of the fridge. Same rule applies to exercise. Don't say, "I'll get up at 5:00am every day and run for an hour," if you hate running and are going to start sleeping through the alarm after two days. Set reasonable tasks (and goals) for yourself. If you love running daily and crazy early mornings though, then by all means go for it.

    Lastly, it might be good to invest in a food scale. Estimating portions, especially with calorie-dense food, can be a pitfall for many. You might be surprised with some items as to what actually constitutes a serving (oh disappoint me).

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • Vessecora
    Well unless I'm offered it or actually walk to the cupboard for some reason and see the packet of french fries sitting there, I won't even think of wanting it xD

    I just realised, it might actually be that my week of falling under calorie intake has coincided with my pms... That could be why I've been feeling full on so little.

    When I run, I set my goal as a tree or something, and then make sure I run just a little ways after that, so I feel happy that I've done more and that generally follows through with the rest of the run :D

    Definitely going to have a look at a food scale, thanks for the idea!