Sometimes so hungry I'm nauseous..?

Obviously I've cut down my calorie intake by a lot recently, (except for yesterday lol). This has happend for awhile though, not just after starting to watch what I eat. An example would be that I have a greek yogurt and coffee for breakfast and 60-90 minutes later I all of a sudden get SO hungry I feel like I might vomit. I usually will eat some almonds or an orange at that point. I'm just wondering if anyone else has felt like that? It's weird because it's sudden. It's not like I'm hungry for an hour then I feel nauseous. Blood sugar issues maybe?


  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    I get blood sugar drops after eating carby breakfasts too. It can mess up my whole day. I found that when eat protein + whole grain and I don't get hungry till 1:00pm and it is a gradual hunger, not a free-fall. Two scrambled eggs with kale, a few cherry tomatoes in a whole wheat low carb torilla. Yummy and it holds me a long time.
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    I'd like to see some answers to this, I have a similar issue... Sudden nausea, also light-headedness...
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Synamin had it right. Eat more protein.
  • lucypeaks
    lucypeaks Posts: 96 Member
    I developed bad habits about 10 years ago meaning I haven't really eaten breakfast since leaving school. I have lost 50lbs with MFP but still have breakfast issues. I find that when I do eat breakfast (usually a little later in the morning mainly at the weekend) I am then starving all day! Looking for ideas for filling breakfasts that don't make me feel like eating continuously!
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    Synamin had it right. Eat more protein.

    There are only 2g more protein in 2 whole eggs than in the greek yogurt. I dunno if that's the issue. I eat the greek yogurt because it's high in protein. Something to consider though.
  • I will get sick if I don't eat about every 3 hours and have just gotten into a Biggest Loser team at wok. That's a lot of pressure and fun too as all watch one another. I find that eating protein with every meal or snack does lessen the sensation of nausea and don't wait too long . Of you must wait, have a saltine to ease the nausea. Good luck as you get healthier.
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    I developed bad habits about 10 years ago meaning I haven't really eaten breakfast since leaving school. I have lost 50lbs with MFP but still have breakfast issues. I find that when I do eat breakfast (usually a little later in the morning mainly at the weekend) I am then starving all day! Looking for ideas for filling breakfasts that don't make me feel like eating continuously!

    I was the same way! I used to not eat breakfast because I would be STARVING by lunch time where if I skip breakfast I'm fine all morning til lunch. But I exercise in the early morning before work now and if I don't eat afterwards I feel sick and very tired all morning. That's why I do the greek yogurt and nuts in the morning, high in protein and good fats.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I've always had this problem, too, and My doctor said I don't have low blood sugar. It happens even after a high protein meal unless it was also a very high calorie meal.
    I just require frequent sustenance. I personally eat fewer calories over the course of the day, if I eat frequently.
    That said, I looked at your diary, and when I eat as much added sugar as you consume for breakfast I would be on a knock-down sweets pig-out all day long. Even cutting Splenda from my coffee helped not crave sweets as much.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Drink more water. When your dehydrated your body feels like its hungry.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I'm borderline hypoglycemic, and this happens to me too, particularly if I eat something higher in sugar or carbs early in the morning. I keep glucose tablets in my purse and they work instantly (you can get a little tube of them for like $1 at any drugstore near the diabetic supplies).
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    I've always had this problem, too, and My doctor said I don't have low blood sugar. It happens even after a high protein meal unless it was also a very high calorie meal.
    I just require frequent sustenance. I personally eat fewer calories over the course of the day, if I eat frequently.
    That said, I looked at your diary, and when I eat as much added sugar as you consume for breakfast I would be on a knock-down sweets pig-out all day long. Even cutting Splenda from my coffee helped not crave sweets as much.

    I did consider it was the sugar in the yogurt that did it too. I can't do black coffee in the morning, it makes my stomach hurt. If I have coffee in the afternoon I drink it black and that's ok. Another weird thing.... I may try using plain greek yogurt and adding natural fruit myself, that would cut out some of the crazy carbs.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    ME TOO!! I hate that feeling

    I get so hungry I feel like i'm going to puke.... but actually this only happens to me when I haven't eaten for a while. It doesn't happen after I've eaten that I've noticed.

    I don't know the physiology behind it, but its a real thing.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    By the way...ignoring this can be very bad. I once passed out at a casino and they made me go to the hospital, even though I kept telling them I just needed water and to was very embarrassing!! :grumble:
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    I always got like that. this past month i bought some Plexus Slim from my Aunt and many mornings i wake up thinking UGGGHHH IM STARVING there is no way i can drink my plexus and wait 30 minutes to eat but i will drink my plexus and it REALLY helps me prevent that. Ive struggled with my weight my entire life and most of my problem was id get those all the sudden im so hungry i could vomit feelings. Since i started drinking plexus i havent had those!!!
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I've always had this problem, too, and My doctor said I don't have low blood sugar. It happens even after a high protein meal unless it was also a very high calorie meal.
    I just require frequent sustenance. I personally eat fewer calories over the course of the day, if I eat frequently.
    That said, I looked at your diary, and when I eat as much added sugar as you consume for breakfast I would be on a knock-down sweets pig-out all day long. Even cutting Splenda from my coffee helped not crave sweets as much.

    I did consider it was the sugar in the yogurt that did it too. I can't do black coffee in the morning, it makes my stomach hurt. If I have coffee in the afternoon I drink it black and that's ok. Another weird thing.... I may try using plain greek yogurt and adding natural fruit myself, that would cut out some of the crazy carbs.

    I eat plain yogurt with fruit (fresh or frozen) & sliced natural almonds. Unsweetened coconut flakes make it extra tasty, too.
    I don't drink black coffee. I add unsweetened original almond milk which has a huge calcium bonus. It took me a number of months to wean myself off sweetened coffee by decreasing the sweetener little by little. Now if I have it with sweetener, it's just gross to me.
    I have three children and they won't eat plain yogurt but love the flavored yogurt, so I tell them to only eat one a day as a treat because the sugar content sometimes rivals ice cream. I don't buy light for them because I don't want them eating artificial sweeteners because there's just not enough conclusive research out there to indicate AS are safe for kids.
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    By the way...ignoring this can be very bad. I once passed out at a casino and they made me go to the hospital, even though I kept telling them I just needed water and to was very embarrassing!! :grumble:

    Oh, I don't ignore it :laugh: I eat something, usually almonds or an orange - something small that I log as either a part of my meal or a snack. I find (when I'm eating within my goals) that I eat 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks of fruit/veg/nuts etc. The snacks keep me til the next meal, but I know it's time to eat because I get that vomit feeling and know I HAVE TO EAT RIGHT NOW. What bothers me most is that it is a RIGHT NOW thing, I can't wait or I will get sick.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    That's odd. Maybe first thing have a really big fry up or a thick wholemeal sandwich. See if something like that works. I have had similar issues in the past where I ate, but my vision went really funny, it was like a tv on a channel that doesn't work, and it was all fuzzy black and white, I thought I'd pass out but luckily I didn't. I would still see your doc though because this does not sound pleasant.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    I get blood sugar drops after eating carby breakfasts too. It can mess up my whole day. I found that when eat protein + whole grain and I don't get hungry till 1:00pm and it is a gradual hunger, not a free-fall. Two scrambled eggs with kale, a few cherry tomatoes in a whole wheat low carb torilla. Yummy and it holds me a long time.

    Yep! I rarely have time to eat before I leave in the morning but I do have a microwave at work, I spray a rubbermaid container with butter pam and scramble 2 eggs in it and add some diced ham and/or cheese and microwave it at work. Keeps me going all morning.
  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    It sounds like a blood sugar issue. Yogurt usually has a lot of sugar in it. I would have the same problem when I would eat too much sugar for breakfast.
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    Have you been tested for diabetes recently?