What to eat to keep up a diet whilst working in an office

I'm aiming to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day, but I am finding it difficult to think of what to eat for inbetween breakfast/lunch/dinner whilst maintaining a high protein, low carb diet

Just now I usually have breakfast at 7, lunch at half 1, and dinner at 7.

I read online that it is best to try to eat every 3 hours, where as just now I'm 5/6 hours between eating.

Can you suggest anything to eat around 11 and 4? Also I would need to be able to eat it at my desk as we are not allowed breaks at this time.



  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    There are a ton of snacks great for eating at your desk! Some are almonds, beef jerky, string cheese, yogurt with berries, veggie sticks with peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, leftovers from dinner etc...
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's no reason to eat every 3 hours. That's an old myth. Eating 3 meals a day is perfectly fine, heck, eating 1 meal a day is perfectly fine if it's your preference. Just meet your calorie and nutrition goals.
  • deentoon
    deentoon Posts: 7 Member
    Some of my favorite desk friendly snacks with high protein and moderate carbs are:

    - Seapoint Farms Dry Roasted Edamame (very, very filling at 14g protein per 1/4 cup serving) I usually have that with some type of greek yogurt, it's wonderful since the edamame is dry and the yogurt is nice and creamy, perfect balance!
    - Banana and your choice of nut butter.
    - Protein Shakes, you can buy some brands already made and all you need to do is keep it chilled, in which case you can just run an grab it from a fridge, or if you have to, keep a cooler with you. (Yes, it may seem excessive but this is your health, you should have no shame in your heathy lifestyle!)
    - Protein bars + water
    - Meal prep is crucial, I usually prep some veggies/fruits for the week and grab it before I go, and have them with a light cheese snack stick.

    Hope that helps! :)