Scale is going up instead of down!

I had a baby in March of 2013, I gained 40 pounds, I have lost 38 of the 40, but my body doesn't look the same. I'm working out three times a week, I'm keeping my calories in check, and drinking water, I even cut out most sugar, but for some reason no matter what I do, I can't shake the last 2 pounds and go further down the scale! My goal is to lose the last 2 pounds by March 7th but for some reason the scale goes up the harder I work out!? What am I doing wrong? I worked out so hard this week and I gained a pound!?


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Take a mental break for a day, reassess your calorie numbers, and learn how water weight and foods you eat play into your scale. If your not happy with what you see in the mirror, you probably lost muscle along the way (and ya know stretch marks from a baby kinda deal)
  • babyweight331
    Thank you. I will research the water weight and foods. So frustrated right now! Thank you for the response.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    If you're working out as hard as you say you might be retaining water. I have had that happen to me before, I stop working out for a couple days increase my water and drop a few pounds. Being so close to your goal does make it harder so I suggest focusing on your measurements and how you feel. I hope you have taken progress pics because I bet when you compare you will see a real difference. Good luck :drinker: