How do you lose belly fat without losing weight?

I am 5'5 115 lbs., but with a little bit of belly fat I'd like to lose (That is my genetic body shape unfortunately. It is not my internal organs sticking out.). Since strength training won't burn the fat off, but only build muscle underneath the layer of fat, how can I lose the fat without losing weight (I really don't want to lose fat in my boobs. lol)?

Thanks for the advice!!

P.S. I am not interested in lifting heavy weights because I don't want to get muscular in my arms or upper body at all.


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    P.S. I am not interested in lifting heavy weights because I don't want to get muscular in my arms or upper body at all.

    First off, you're a female, so without juice you're not going to put on much mass, second, if you want to lose your "skinny-fat" physique, lifting heavy is the way to do it. Specifically, heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, pressing, and cleans are great. Pull-ups are also a great core workout. Your problem is too little muscle and likely a weak core, as a result, you probably have a higher body fat percentage than you should at your weight, hence, skinny-fat.

    Lift heavy, get lean.

  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    You can't spot lose, it is just not possible. To keep the same weight and drop fat you will need to replace the fat with something else, muscle :-) you could do medium heavy lifts to tighten your muscle a bit and do plenty of core work to firm up your tum. One thing I am thinking is does far every redistribute though the body over a period of time ? I'm not sure if it does but I'll watch and see what other responses you get.

    good luck, I hope that you manage to get to where you want to be.
  • P.S. I am not interested in lifting heavy weights because I don't want to get muscular in my arms or upper body at all.

    First off, you're a female, so without juice you're not going to put on much mass, second, if you want to lose your "skinny-fat" physique, lifting heavy is the way to do it. Specifically, heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, pressing, and cleans are great. Pull-ups are also a great core workout. Your problem is too little muscle and likely a weak core, as a result, you probably have a higher body fat percentage than you should at your weight, hence, skinny-fat.

    Lift heavy, get lean.


  • serenity56
    serenity56 Posts: 79 Member
    I mean, you can't just lose fat on one particular part of your body... muscle isn't going to hurt your appearance, lol.

    115 is a pretty slim weight to start, for your height. Working out your abs and stuff IS going to build 'a layer of muscle' I guess, but that would be a GOOD thing - that's what you want, right? For your midsection to tighten up a bit and not pooch out? Muscle will help. :) You can't target a certain body part to slim down, don't believe the mag covers in the checkout lane. ;)
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Unfortunately, you can't spot reduce. And seeing that your BMI is within normal range, but you have some flab around your middle, I'd guess that you're what's known as "skinny-fat."

    You won't want to hear this but probably the best thing you could do is strength training. You don't have the testosterone to bulk up, so you would just be building lean muscle.

    Just my opinion though. Curious what others have to say.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    P.S. I am not interested in lifting heavy weights because I don't want to get muscular in my arms or upper body at all.

    First off, you're a female, so without juice you're not going to put on much mass, second, if you want to lose your "skinny-fat" physique, lifting heavy is the way to do it. Specifically, heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, pressing, and cleans are great. Pull-ups are also a great core workout. Your problem is too little muscle and likely a weak core, as a result, you probably have a higher body fat percentage than you should at your weight, hence, skinny-fat.

    Lift heavy, get lean.


    What Rigger said. Unless you have massive amounts of testosterone or are doing steroids, you will not get bulky from lifting heavy weights. I'd love to spot reduce too, but it just isn't going to happen. It just doesn't work that way
  • What does your diet look like? It probably plays the biggest role in it.

    Lifting heavy won't make you big. Your a female and unless you're spending hours and hours a day in the gym, and taking steriods it just won't happen. It's just not possible. Don't believe that myth.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Definitely core work and abs. If you don't want to lift (you won't bulk that quickly as a woman), try something like Jillian Michael's 30 day shred or some other ab DVD. You need to put the work in to tone up. You can find lot's of video on YouTube to get better tone in your abs.

    If you train the front, don't forget to train your lower back too.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    P.S. I am not interested in lifting heavy weights because I don't want to get muscular in my arms or upper body at all.

    First off, you're a female, so without juice you're not going to put on much mass, second, if you want to lose your "skinny-fat" physique, lifting heavy is the way to do it. Specifically, heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, pressing, and cleans are great. Pull-ups are also a great core workout. Your problem is too little muscle and likely a weak core, as a result, you probably have a higher body fat percentage than you should at your weight, hence, skinny-fat.

    Lift heavy, get lean.



  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    P.S. I am not interested in lifting heavy weights because I don't want to get muscular in my arms or upper body at all.

    First off, you're a female, so without juice you're not going to put on much mass, second, if you want to lose your "skinny-fat" physique, lifting heavy is the way to do it. Specifically, heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, pressing, and cleans are great. Pull-ups are also a great core workout. Your problem is too little muscle and likely a weak core, as a result, you probably have a higher body fat percentage than you should at your weight, hence, skinny-fat.

    Lift heavy, get lean.




    This. I have lost 4 kg by diet alone and almost no difference to my body. I started lifting and this happened After 4 months I don't think I'm on the way to getting bulky or muscly lol

    It doesn't look like much but my belly is so much smaller and I only lost another 3.8kg.

    You can't flatten your tummy and get a lean physique without lifting. check Considering you don't want to lose weight, eating at maintenance and lifting will get you there.

    Can't promise about the boobs though. Your body will lose where it wants to. On the other hand you can work on the muscle beneath them