That Burnnn

People say to build muscle you need to lift heavy, and that when you feel that burning sensation in your muscles it is working. But when i am lifting heavy, eg. 5 reps, 5 sets, i don't get as much of a burn as i would if i was doing more reps on lighter weights. Does anyone else find this happens?


  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    The burn results from a build up of lactic acid which usually happens with more prolonged exertion or fast, anaerobic exercises like sprints. It's just an accumulation of metabolic waste and doesn't necessarily correlate with the effort you are exerting. Muscles grow (hypertrophy) due to progressive overload on the muscle fibers which. Doing light sets until your muscles burn may feel more effective but you are just getting a "pump" from blood and metabolizes enogrging the muscle.
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    I've been trying to understand what you're saying but i can't get the idea of what you mean, thanks for taking the time though dude! i'm sure it's just me being dumb lol ;)
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    He's saying don't worry about feeling a burn. The weight should feel heavy and difficult to move - if not, increase the weight.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    *Ahnold voice*

    When it burns it grows.
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    Got ya ! thanks everyone :)