Started at the bottom, Power 90.

I started at what appears to be the bottom of the DVD world, Power 90. I'm out of shape so it's right for me. I'm hitting in the neighborhood of 500 cals in 30 minutes on the cardio level 1 and around 400 on the strength. This may go down as my fitness improves but those of you doing the higher ones have my respect! By far my biggest complaint is repetition. Same thing every other day. Once i finish this I'm going to try the P90X3. The 30 minute stuff is my max, I just don't have the time literally for 1 hour workouts due to my work schedule and desire to have some time with my family. I'm in it for the haul and have spent the money on Bowflex dumbbells and a Polar H7 HRM, a bit to my wifes frustration lol.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    You gotta do what you can do for your lifestyle so if 30 minutes is all you have then 30 minutes is perfect!

    And there's NOTHING wrong with Power 90! It's a GREAT place to start and everyone starts somewhere! :)

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!