eating 934 calories

Trust me I would never do this on a daily basis I LOVE FOOD!!!!! Tonight I am going to a friends house for a party and know that I will be drinking so I ate lightly throughout the day and exercised my net calories as of right now are at 934 leaving me with 506 for alcohol (I will be drinking beer high in calories). Do you think this will be a bad thing to do about once a week? I think if I continue doing this that I will just make sure to eat at least 1200 calories and then exercise even more to allow for alcohol. What are your thought?


  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I think it is good planning. there is no reason for one day to worry about this, you will end up with the calories at the end of the day. Enjoy and enjoy life, you only get one.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    You can go without eating food all day and drink 1200 cals of alcohol and be fine. They are your calories, you can choose where to spend them
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Be careful you don't eat so little that the alcohol makes you sick. With so little food in your stomach... I'm worried about your body's reaction.

    That said? Pay attention to your weekly calories not just daily. You'll probably be able to consume a few beers and still eat your goals. Plus, I don't know your size/goals/activity level? But I'm guessing even 1200 isn't enough to eat as it is.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Many people provide themselves with "cheat days" once a week to eat without conscience. You've gone above and beyond by working your socializing into your regimented calorie plan. As long as you ate high protein foods during the day, you can handle 500 empty carbs once a week that still don't even push you over your weight loss limits.
  • SaraLady89
    SaraLady89 Posts: 32 Member
    nikkihk- I feel as if I ate enough I'm not feeling hungry so I don't think I will get sick from the alcohol thank you for your concern though. As for my goals i weight 140 right not and set my goal for 120 having said that though the number isn't a big deal to me I just want to feel comfortable with myself and in my clothing again is all. I would consider myself lightly active considering I'm a medical assistant and run around working patients up all day and my calorie goal is set to 1440.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You can go without eating food all day and drink 1200 cals of alcohol and be fine. They are your calories, you can choose where to spend them
    Except for the whole: nutrients, fuel your body part.

    OP: leaving some discretionary calories for beer: not a big deal. just be sure to fuel you body most days.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    nikkihk- I feel as if I ate enough I'm not feeling hungry so I don't think I will get sick from the alcohol thank you for your concern though. As for my goals i weight 140 right not and set my goal for 120 having said that though the number isn't a big deal to me I just want to feel comfortable with myself and in my clothing again is all. I would consider myself lightly active considering I'm a medical assistant and run around working patients up all day and my calorie goal is set to 1440.

    I was doing something similar to you to start... eating around 1000 and never felt hungry, then I bumped myself up to 1500 and I get hungry at every meal now!! Though that has little to do with your question? Just thought I'd mention that. You sound fairly active as well (I sit at a desk all day) I think you can certainly eat 1300 to 1500 cals a day and still enjoy a night of drinking without it hurting your goals.

    I would guess your deficit might really fall in the 1600-1700 range realistically. Without knowing all of your details I might be completely wrong? But it would be interesting to see what a more involved calculator of your stats might be. If you want to check look here: MFP is kind of inaccurate.
  • SaraLady89
    SaraLady89 Posts: 32 Member
    That link you gave me said 1797. I think I'll try the MFP calorie goal for a while see how my progress is doing and if I don't see improvements I'll probably bump up the calories. I guess it will be kind of a trial and error for me.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    That link you gave me said 1797. I think I'll try the MFP calorie goal for a while see how my progress is doing and if I don't see improvements I'll probably bump up the calories. I guess it will be kind of a trial and error for me.

    I hear ya.. it is for all of us in the beginning. That calculator says around 1875 for me.. but I feel comfortable at 1500 for now. If you hit a plateau with losing, trying bumping it up. I don't know if there is science to back this up? But I think if your body is aware it's being fed then it will stop turning calories into storage fat and use it for energy... so as long as you eat under your maintenance weight loss happens. Just don't dip too low or you'll start losing muscle and you don't want that because when you start eating more again there is less muscle to burn those additional calories.

    Also!! Add some weight training to your exercising!! More muscle means more cals burned when your NOT working out!! =D