Those who reach goal & struggled

Right now I'm losing inches which i know is a great thing. But i do know that the scale have to eventually go down. To those of you who made it to your goal weight or almost there. Did you have periods of time that you notice the scale didn't move at all but you were listing inches? If so, how long did it take for the scale to start moving again? Did you have to do something different?


  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Throw that stupid thing out! is a filthy liar!!!!!!! Your best measurements are with a tape measure, a photo...a your clothes fit. The scale is an evil machine out to ruin motivation and self worth!
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Plateaus are a natural part of weight loss. Patience and perseverance are the way to go.
    I reached my goal in December. The closer I got to goal, the longer my plateaus became; the longest was 48 days. Here's the curve of my weight loss:

    The slope of the curve decreased the closer I got to goal. That represents the slowing-down of weight loss. Straight, near-horizontal lines represent the plateaus.

    I felt impatient from time to time but I never felt discouraged. I knew I was doing the right things and therefore knew that my weight would eventually drop. My set-up was to lose a half-pound per week; my average (plateaus and all) ended up being three-quarters of a pound per week. That slowness meant I didn't feel deprived, and it also means I have a much easier time maintaining.

    Nelinelineli has a fabulous post on weight drops and what you can expect:

    The Mayo Clinic has a good article on plateaus:
  • Thank you. I'll eventually reach goal. I hope to be at least close by spring. I'm never gonna give up. I think I'm just frustrated.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Straight up, muscle is heavier than fat. I am below my goal weight, but 19% BF. that is frustrating.
  • Nelinelineli post is great! Thanks so much.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I did alternate day IF (JUDDD) and never hit a stall. The high/low calorie pattern kept things moving :)