Binge eating and calories

For my surprise, I've had a several binges during the last couple of week and I was wondering whether I am too harsh on myself. I NET at 1200-1300 calories usually, eating around 1800 kcal and burning 500-600 kcal. Anyway, what do you guys think, should I eat more calories or just wait and hope that the binging will stop?


  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    If you enjoy your current NET 1200 kcal diet and you're losing, stick to it.

    Add in cheat/binge days (once every 7 - 10 days).

    Make sure the WEEKLY average kcal is below your maintannce( you'll have to use a calculator).

    You'll still lose weight that way. Here's the math

    I'm 6 foot 240lbs. I eat approx 2300kcal/day while exercising 1- 2 hours heavily, once a week, I eat 6kcal + calories in carb, chips, wtv.

    My average kcal for the week is : 2800 kcal.

    I'm still at a deficit of about 700kcal / day.

    I am at a weekly deficit of 4900 kcal/ week.

    I lose approximately 1.5 lbs/ week.

    So far, it's been almost exactly that. I've been losing about 3-4kg/month ( depends on exercise intensity, etc).

    It's all just math.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    If you're like me, pre-plan the binge/cheat day. This will give you a goal to work up to.

    For me, I'll eat clean 6-8 days then usually on a sunday, I'll just eat wtv I want without counting(I count just for curiosity sake. Ends up being about 6kcal)

    This gives me a goal and gives me so much energy to work out for the next week or so till the next binge day.

    I'm also doing it this way because once I'm in maintenance, I WILL go out once a week or so to drink with friends and party, and I'm not going to be a party pooper because I'm on a 'diet'.

    I'm picking a style where I can eat completely clean for 6 days, then let loose for one day and still lose weight/maintain.

    Adjust it to your life style. Some people that eat little junk foods here and there when they want can do it, but they can't go out and binge/drink heavily one night and get away with it if they do that.