Looking for friends who are also in it for the long haul!

I'm a married mom with 2 university age sons. I lost a ton of weight 2 years ago and then slammed it all back on again. I've always had a fairly healthy diet...I don't buy stuff in boxes or cans or eat at fast food places, but I do overeat, A LOT. I'm also an emotional eater when I'm under stress. I cook well, bake well (mmmm homemade bread, cookies, rolls...all big problems for me) and I'm proud to say my kids have never been served a box of Kraft Dinner or a can of Chef Boyardee in their lives. Unfortunately working 16 hour days from a home office that's only 10 feet away from the kitchen for the past 15 years has really done me in. I HATE to exercise. I'm the long ambling walk type, not the run a half-marathon type. I try to get away from my desk and onto my treadmill at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes but I loathe every minute. Because of my age (47) and my sedentary lifestyle (stuck at my damn desk in my damn house) I aim for a 1400 calorie intake per day. If I go above that I'm not going to lose any weight. I'm struggling to hit those numbers right now but it's because I'm eating too little, not too much. I find the more I eat, the hungrier I am, so I'm still searching for balance in that respect.

This is the first time I've joined a group or used an app/website for motivation and I'd really like to add some friends to keep me motivated and accountable. I keep my food diary open and I'd prefer friends who do the same. It helps keep me accountable, and being able to look at what others are eating keeps me motivated and encourages me to vary my diet. I also have a severe food allergy (fish and shellfish) so that narrows my healthy choices a bit. I have a lot of weight to lose, but more importantly, I want to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I'm NOT dieting...I'm learning to pay attention to the amount of fuel my body actually needs as opposed to what my mouth and my brain want.

Please add me if you think we can help each other!
