any tips on how to lose 15 -20 pounds in 45 days please



  • kwells3rd
    kwells3rd Posts: 1 Member
    Calorie cycling and some heavy weight training will burn more fat. You're barely eating enough to live so your metabolism is gonna slow. Do some combination of squats, deadlifts, upper body presses, lunges, and curls 3 days a week, and on those days up your calories. Do sprints and jump rope 2 days a week and go about 200 cals less or so on this days. So something like 2300 and 2100, and 2100 on your off days. Like said above, your lose less absolute weight, but more fat and add a bit of muscle which gives good shape to the body and coincidentally burns fat by existing.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Honey, Vegas doesn't care what you weigh.

    Eat at a moderate deficit and be happy with whatever you lose. Set realistic goals with no deadlines.
  • kschlap
    kschlap Posts: 15
    I'm going to suggest some things that I'll probably get flamed for, but I like to answer the question instead of just judging. Generally speaking, 2000 calories sounds like a lot to be eating each day. If you drop that down to roughly 1500/day you should be able to drop about 2-3 lbs per week, for a total of roughly 5-10 in 45 days. Not all, but close. Now for the kicker, a week out do a cleanse diet for a few days, which should drop another 4-7lbs. Finally, a day or two before drop your water intake to a REAL 8 glasses a day. Really make sure that this is the amount your getting, and if you can, drop lower than that so you'll be a bit dehydrated. This should drop the remaining weight. Aside from the eating, this style is really no sustainable, but should get you where you want to be. None of it is dangerous.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Well, first I would say don't starve. Figure out your actual TDEE (path to sexypants link will help with that) and go a percentage lower than that. Do weights as has been suggested. But honestly short of amputating something I would really reconsider the goal.

    Is it worth pushing for a short term loss where you'll gain it back or doing it the right way the first time and keeping it off?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I'm going to suggest some things that I'll probably get flamed for, but I like to answer the question instead of just judging. Generally speaking, 2000 calories sounds like a lot to be eating each day. If you drop that down to roughly 1500/day you should be able to drop about 2-3 lbs per week, for a total of roughly 5-10 in 45 days. Not all, but close. Now for the kicker, a week out do a cleanse diet for a few days, which should drop another 4-7lbs. Finally, a day or two before drop your water intake to a REAL 8 glasses a day. Really make sure that this is the amount your getting, and if you can, drop lower than that so you'll be a bit dehydrated. This should drop the remaining weight. Aside from the eating, this style is really no sustainable, but should get you where you want to be. None of it is dangerous.

    1. What you are suggesting has the potential of being dangerous.
    2. Suggesting the OP can lose 2-3 pounds per week is not appropriate.
    3. Our bodies cleanse themselves, which is why we poop and pee. (so no need to do a cleanse diet)
    4. Suggesting the OP dehydrate themselves as part of the plan, is well, wrong.
    5. Any water weight that would be lost going with this approach will come back immediately, once the OP goes back to regular eating and drinking.

    p.s. promoting unsafe weight-loss techniques is also against community guidelines.
  • Lets just quote the great Britney!
    "You better work B1TCH!"
  • There is more then one way to lose weight people...geez. My suggestion....Two days a week of cardio and a 2000 calorie diet isn't going to do much. Like others said - cut back to at least 1500-1800 and up your protein intake to anywhere from 150g-200g per day. You are going to need to train ALOT. Meaning, cardio everyday (at least 45 min) and weights every other day (if not everyday). Weights will not make you bulky..lean muscle mass=more calories burned daily. I usually do two a days - morning is weights (different muscle group everyday) and then night is cardio (at least 45 min HIIT or plyo). Yes it's hard but our bodies did not evolve for this sedentary lifestyle we have taken on as a can do it...but it's super discipline time and up, up, up for cardio and add weights!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    There is more then one way to lose weight people...geez. My suggestion....Two days a week of cardio and a 2000 calorie diet isn't going to do much. Like others said - cut back to at least 1500-1800 and up your protein intake to anywhere from 150g-200g per day. You are going to need to train ALOT. Meaning, cardio everyday (at least 45 min) and weights every other day (if not everyday). Weights will not make you bulky..lean muscle mass=more calories burned daily. I usually do two a days - morning is weights (different muscle group everyday) and then night is cardio (at least 45 min HIIT or plyo). Yes it's hard but our bodies did not evolve for this sedentary lifestyle we have taken on as a can do it...but it's super discipline time and up, up, up for cardio and add weights!

    150-200g of protein a day is ridiculous. 30% is plenty. In the end it doesn't matter though... it's not a healthy loss rate at all anyway.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    You could try cutting off limbs, however the safety of this method is questionable.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I remember when I went to NYC. I lost about 10-15lbs in about 4 days.
    That came from walking straight for 12 plus hours/day and barely eating since I was always walking.

    I would NOT recommend that.

    Oh and those 10-15 lbs, all came back a week later.

    My tips are eat a little less (more of a deficit) and exercise more.

    Celebrate any weight loss!! (It will not be 20lbs)
  • JennaHW
    JennaHW Posts: 19 Member
    I looked up the BMR based on the information you gave me. It calculates how much calories you can consume to maintain your weight which is 2138. This is based on being really active. To lose 2 lbs a week, you have to cut your calorie intake to 1529. So in 6 weeks if you cut your calories to 1529, you would lose about 12 lbs. You would have to eat 1200 calories to lose 3 lbs a week, which is about 15 - 18lbs. Anymore weight lost than that would be too fast. Also make sure you are drinking enough water, and getting electrolytes in your body from the sweating and working out. If you are dehydrated, it hinders your weight lose because you end up losing water weight and not body fat weight. I take a packet of Emergen-C per day and that makes sure I'm not dehydrated and I have the electrolyte in my body. You can also used pedialyte or something that has all the electrolytes in it. If you can cut out the bread and pasta and rice to a smaller serving or non-existent serving. Keep a bowl of apples near you for those moments when you want to munch on something. The apple helps you reach for it instead of a bag of potato chip.

    There are BMR calculators all over the internet and exercise calorie counters to help you determine how much energy you are burning. Look them up to help you manage your weight lose.

    Feel free to add me if you need a partner to help get past the plateau and keep moving.

  • Cut off your leg.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    You might want to lok into a Program called Whole 30, Their web site is Essentially it eliminates Grains and dairy for 30 days and then you re introduce them, If you want to check further on it they have a book titled "It Starts With Food" Might want to look into it; its pretty effective coupled with exercise.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    You might want to lok into a Program called Whole 30, Their web site is Essentially it eliminates Grains and dairy for 30 days and then you re introduce them, If you want to check further on it they have a book titled "It Starts With Food" Might want to look into it; its pretty effective coupled with exercise.

    ^^ Sigh.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    There is more then one way to lose weight people...geez. My suggestion....Two days a week of cardio and a 2000 calorie diet isn't going to do much. Like others said - cut back to at least 1500-1800 and up your protein intake to anywhere from 150g-200g per day. You are going to need to train ALOT. Meaning, cardio everyday (at least 45 min) and weights every other day (if not everyday). Weights will not make you bulky..lean muscle mass=more calories burned daily. I usually do two a days - morning is weights (different muscle group everyday) and then night is cardio (at least 45 min HIIT or plyo). Yes it's hard but our bodies did not evolve for this sedentary lifestyle we have taken on as a can do it...but it's super discipline time and up, up, up for cardio and add weights!

    Lol what? This is such terrible advice.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    No. I don't give tips on how to damage your health.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Its Vegas. Whatever you look like, I guarantee you won't be the biggest mess there.

    Just eat at a moderate deficit and exercise. Maybe you can lose 10lbs safely by then, and keep it off after.
  • Atkins....... will get you the book...