Things that make you feel fat



  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    Seeing my double chin in a photo. Also knowing my coworker has lost over 50 pounds since January and is giving me all her jeans that don't fit her anymore but knowing they will fit me because I haven't lost a thing!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    The day after drinking...UGH

    I so was going to say that!!! :laugh:

    Was drinking wine yesterday. I had to drink a ton of water to get rid of that bloated feeling!!! :grumble:
  • dstacky
    when ur old pair of skinny jeans dont fit anymore
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    When the scale evilly tells me I've gained a pound....... In my head, I know it's not "real", but I do not react rationally to such reports!
  • power90girl
    going to the beach in tank top and boy shorts, while other girls are in bikinis
  • labrat26
    labrat26 Posts: 60 Member
    tight clothes, even if they were NOT in the dryer.
    Trying to do yoga, and having that extra tire stopping you from bending properly.
    Crossing my legs, and having one stick straight out....yuk
    BMI says I am fat.....:(
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I feel fat every time I see a photo of me! I absolutely hate having my picture taken but a few years ago, I realized I didn't have any pictures of me with my 2 beautiful girls or my husband. Now I allow my picture taken but hate each and every one of them. My goal, lose the weight and have professional family portrait taken
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    being around my sexy sister. Who thinks she's fat. If she thinks she is fat at a size 8, what must she think of me?
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Having my spare tire stick out further than my chest when I'm sitting & look down. :(
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    when my belly hits the steering wheel.
    when my arms can't sqeeze into dress short sleeves.
    when I bump into door frames :laugh:

    plus most of the above, especially pictures! :noway:

    time to change all that :bigsmile:
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Food hangovers the morning after I eat to much. Pictures that have been taken in the past year. I can no longer say it was just a bad picture because every single one of them makes me look huge.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Having my spare tire stick out further than my chest when I'm sitting & look down. :(

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I feel fat every time I see a photo of me! I absolutely hate having my picture taken but a few years ago, I realized I didn't have any pictures of me with my 2 beautiful girls or my husband. Now I allow my picture taken but hate each and every one of them. My goal, lose the weight and have professional family portrait taken

    Beautiful goal....before then, strategically plant a child in front of you:bigsmile:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    My stretchy undies are a little too small:angry:
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    How no matter what size I am my stomach always has rolls when I sit. It makes me cry sometimes! I just want a flat belly!
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    When im feeling all skinny and get dressed up for a night out. Go out all confident and then to later see photos of myself and how i actually looked.. pregnant :(
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    ^^^^ agree! and also, if I get all dressed up to go on a date with my husband and think I look so beautiful, and I don't even get a "wow, you look nice"...that is the worst...I feel fat and gross.
  • raytae89
    true story! especially when they're skinny jeans! oisch!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    hugging a really thin person....idk, i always feel 'huge' when i am around them, even though i am considered healthy and have a normal bmi. being around teenage girls....they are so least i have curves;) lol!
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    tight clothes and the mirror.