28, 250lbs, not losing weight, please help

Hello everyone.

This is my first post and I'm desperately seeking help. I'm a 28 year old male. I'm built like an overweight linebacker. Always been very strong, never in great cardiovascular shape, and always overweight. I've been tracking my calories for 3 weeks now, about 2,100 calories per day. I lift weights very heavy for 30-45 minutes 7 days a week and I do 30-45 minutes of treadmill exercise for 30-45 minutes afterwards.

I have lost .5 lbs and no body fat in 3 weeks. I'm extremely frustrated and don't understand. My diet is clean. 5 small meals a day, tons of water (150 or more ounces). But this makes zero sense. I'm very fat, so the weight is there to lose. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Do you log accurately? Do you weigh everything?

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight, and if you are not losing there is a miscalculation. (calorie intake and/or overestimation of calories) You can achieve a calorie deficit with all types of foods and meal timing is personal preference.
  • cjfrankum
    I record everything. I weigh every meal. My current caloric defecit is 400-600 calories a day. Still, no weight loss and I've even gained weight. Friday I weighed in at 251 and then today I weighed 253.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Do you log accurately? Do you weigh everything?

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight, and if you are not losing there is a miscalculation. (calorie intake and/or overestimation of calories) You can achieve a calorie deficit with all types of foods and meal timing is personal preference.

    You are not eating at a deficit.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Can you open your diary so we can see and possibly help?
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    Bumping for more responses
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I record everything. I weigh every meal. My current caloric defecit is 400-600 calories a day. Still, no weight loss and I've even gained weight. Friday I weighed in at 251 and then today I weighed 253.

    Keep in mind that weight fluctuation is normal for everybody.
  • cjfrankum
    I have opened my diary to the public.

    But yes, I do weigh everything. I work out enough and I have enough muslce that 2,100 calories should absolutely have me at a deficit. But I also have a very sedentary desk job.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I have opened my diary to the public.

    But yes, I do weigh everything. I work out enough and I have enough muslce that 2,100 calories should absolutely have me at a deficit. But I also have a very sedentary desk job.

    what are you putting the protein powder in? i don't see anything logged for that unless you're just having a spoonful or you're having it with water - i don't use protein powders so not sure. the balsamic rice are you measuring dry or is that cooked? 1/4 cup cooked vs. dry is a big difference. little things like this make a difference. are you using a food scale or measuring cups? a food scale is going to be way more accurate than a measuring cup.

    editted to add: love your dog pic. :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It will be either your eating far more than you think. Your overestimating your exercise calories or your figures for calories need etc are wrong and need recalculating. So go back to basics check your figures check how you weigh and measure your food etc.
  • cjfrankum
    I wear a fitbit to track my exercise calories. I don't input my weight training so only my cardio gets added.

    I take the protein only with water. Only other liquid I drink is alcohol once a week (i record it) and cherry coke zero. I don't add that and I only drink maybe 1 cup a day.

    The rice is measured cooked.

    I weigh everything on a scale. It has a tare option and weighs in grams and ounces. So everything is accurate.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    When did you start lifting? - if you are new to lifting / exercise or change it dramatically your muscles will hold water for repair and this will mask any weight loss for about 4-6 weeks.

    Also stop using cups and buy a set of scales - cups are not accurate enough.

    EDit: you say you use a scale - but the measurments in your diary are in cups and spoons? You need to find entries in grams or oz and use those. 1/4tsp of honey may not equal 25g or whatever.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Have you started a new exercise routine? And why do you lift heavy 7 days per week? and then do the treadmill? Where are your rest days?

    Three weeks (although can feel like forever) really is not a long time in the grand scheme of things.
  • cjfrankum
    The lifting routine is not new. I've been lifting for about 16 weeks now. The cardivascular routine is new.

    I used heavy just to show that I'm not going through the motions. It's intense. I vary my weight and reps to make sure it's not the same thing all the time.

    I lift and then do the treadmill to get into shape. I'm very tired of being overweight and I'm willing to work hard to get there...but it seems the harder I work the less I get.
  • morethanthis0
    morethanthis0 Posts: 260 Member
    You seem to be overthinking it and stressing too much about it. Relax, breathe, eat your foods, exercise and give yourself a rest day to recoup mentally and physically. You can do this, it takes time.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    The lifting routine is not new. I've been lifting for about 16 weeks now. The cardivascular routine is new.

    I used heavy just to show that I'm not going through the motions. It's intense. I vary my weight and reps to make sure it's not the same thing all the time.

    I lift and then do the treadmill to get into shape. I'm very tired of being overweight and I'm willing to work hard to get there...but it seems the harder I work the less I get.
    Have you had a complete physical lately?
    Perhaps there is something amiss.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    It sounds like your logging is not as accurate as you think, you need to take some rest days and give it some time. By all means, it is awesome that you are willing to put in the hard work, but rest is important in this process. Get a hold of accurate logging, give your body some time to repair/rest, keep going and have some patience.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    You shouldn't lift 7 days a week - your body really does need time to rest and heal.

    I I think it is a combination of

    new exercise - treadmill,
    overworking your body - take a rest day
    Not accurate logging - stop using cup and tsp measurements for weighed items.

    Take at least one rest day a week and log correctly - find the food with a weight and double check the cal amounts - lots of the entries are incorrect.

    If you weigh the honey you cannot log it as 1/2 tsp - you don't know how much that weighs. It can create enough of an error to slow or stop the weight loss.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You shouldn't lift 7 days a week - your body really does need time to rest and heal.

    I I think it is a combination of

    new exercise - treadmill,
    overworking your body - take a rest day
    Not accurate logging - stop using cup and tsp measurements for weighed items.

    Take at least one rest day a week and log correctly - find the food with a weight and double check the cal amounts - lots of the entries are incorrect.

    If you weigh the honey you cannot log it as 1/2 tsp - you don't know how much that weighs. It can create enough of an error to slow or stop the weight loss.

    All of this.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Hello everyone.

    This is my first post and I'm desperately seeking help. I'm a 28 year old male. I'm built like an overweight linebacker. Always been very strong, never in great cardiovascular shape, and always overweight. I've been tracking my calories for 3 weeks now, about 2,100 calories per day. I lift weights very heavy for 30-45 minutes 7 days a week and I do 30-45 minutes of treadmill exercise for 30-45 minutes afterwards.

    I have lost .5 lbs and no body fat in 3 weeks. I'm extremely frustrated and don't understand. My diet is clean. 5 small meals a day, tons of water (150 or more ounces). But this makes zero sense. I'm very fat, so the weight is there to lose. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

    Hi, friend; have you talked to your doctor? Get a complete bloodwork done to ensure that everything is okay. If your choestoral is high, concentrate on lowering it. If your lipids are high, concentrate on lowering them. My point is this. Fix what's on the inside, and the outside will follow. I am hypothyroid. It sucks because i have to work 3x's harder than a person with a working thyroid to lose up to a pound---and it may take a month's time to do so. It's discouraging, but….If you clean up your diet to clean up your blood--oatmeal for breakfast, leans and greens through the day, lose the white bread, sugar and other white, starchy, floury/ processed stuff and you will see a difference. Use the elliptical for cardio, balance with weight training-making sure you are not doing the same thing day after day. Make sure you take one recovery day----not meant to lay around and be lazy, but use that day to take in a nice walk. I will send you a friend request. Take it one day at a time; your body needs time to respond and adjust to what changes you are making to it.
  • cjfrankum
    I will start adding in a rest day, may start today.

    I just can't fathom how my recording isn't accurate. The only thing that might be inaccurate is the rice? The only measuring I have found is in cups and it doesn't give a gram weight conversion.

    I don't use measuring cups except for rice. Because I don't know how to convert this from cups to grams.

    The honey I weighed and calculated based on something I found on the internet. The 1/2tsp i put on there was because it was the only way I could get the calories recorded.

    I just realized the only thing I don't record is a pre-workout. I take 1 scoop of pre-workout everytime I lift, which has been 20 some straight days.