Where do I begin??

Hey Everyone! :)

Okay so I am a 25 year old female 5ft 10" and 145lbs. My goal is get toned as I don't really need to lose a whole lot of weight and to eat healthy. I have full access to a gym and a pool. I very recently started working with a personal trainer, however it is getting quite expensive and I am hoping to get toned on my own however I have very little knowledge about working out and the necessary requirements needed to get where I want. I have a very busy schedule as I work full time and go to school part time. I am wondering if anyone had any good work out regimes for someone like me? And I am also very interested in learning how to eat more healthy and what foods and beverages to avoid. As well as what type of protein shakes would be ideal for someone with my goals? Any advice would really appreciated! I also hope everyone is having success on their journey to getting for & being healthy :)



  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    New Rules of Lifting For Women (NROLFW) and strong lifts 5x5 are very popular lifting programs. You should check out their groups here. The results are quite impressive.
  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    Look up Strong Lifts 5x5 on the internet. Follow the workout, and you'll "tone" a good deal.
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member

    I found this earlier on MFP. It looks pretty good.

    Exercise Sets Reps
    Squat 5 5
    Bench Press 5 5
    Wide Grip Pull Up 3 10
    Weighted Sit Up 3 10-20

    Good Luck
  • chris31337
    chris31337 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations on your commitment to get fit. I'll try to keep this short and not make to many cliche' remarks about "recommitting yourself everyday" etc... Here is my down and dirty...
    1. Everyday - You have to do something to make yourself healthier every single day. Make it a conscious decision whether it is eating a healthier meal, or going full-on workout mode.
    2. Eat right... Throw out all that $h1T food you have in your kitchen RIGHT NOW! I'll wait... ... ... Okay, that was a super important step. Get to the grocery store and buy good healthy fresh meats, veggies and fruits as soon as you can. I know your not going to immediately eat only the healthiest foods but once you start your gonna love it trust me.
    3. I know that weight loss is your goal but IMHO you should commit yourself to eating right and putting an emphasis on fitness. Weight loss, nice, muscles and a ripped body are just side-effects of a healthy lifestyle.
    4. Utilize this website (as you already are). There are a bunch of individuals on this site that are doing the same exact thing as you right now and publishing your progress and getting other's feedback can help get you motivated to accomplish your goals. When you track your foods enter everything..EVERYTHING! That one sip of Mountain Dew counts. You'll also start to notice how "Light" things typically have a lot more sugar and carbs so you may be better with the regular versions. This site will help with that.
    5. If you've never been to http://www.nerdfitness.com/ go there now, live and breath the articles. They really get your thinking realistically about your goals and a bunch of tips on how to achieve them.

    What works for me...
    Personally I am a huge fan of P90X. I'm currently doing P90X3 and loving every minute of it. The regimented schedule is the only way that I can keep myself committed to my goal. Every single day when I wake up the first thing I try to think about is when I'm going to get my workout in. KEEP IN MIND.. You are not always going to have time to work out. If I miss a workout, I force my self to do it at my next available time. I can NEVER EVER skip a day "just because I don't feel like it". Illness happens as well as other life struggles that will test your commitment level. Jump right back on that horse ASAP. As for food, I eat a ridiculous amount of grilled chicken. You can prepare it so many different ways that it doesn't get boring as fast as other stuff. Find something that works for you. Once I started eating only healthy foods and got to a point I didn't have many "cheat" days, bad foods stopped tasting good too me completely.

    To wrap up.. (so much for keeping it short)... I'm not sure who your support team is for getting healthy but you now have me. Lets be here for each other to keep rocking towards our goals. Let me know if you have any questions or need a kick in the head!
    - Chris
  • dbarnese
    dbarnese Posts: 8 Member
    Try Jazzercise. You'll get a full-body workout - cardio plus strength. You'll burn fat, build muscle and build endurance. And your metabolism will go up as you add muscle. It's also FUN, dance-based fitness that doesn't get boring because the music is always changing and current.

    As for food, I stick with the rule of avoiding processed foods and using whole ingredients when I cook. Also no soda, stick with water for the most part, and avoid artificial sweeteners.