5 lbs per week: Healthy Weight Loss?

I've made an aggressive exercise and diet plan consuming around 1000 calories that doesn't include the multiple juicing with 1 multivitamin and 1 vitamin C. I weight train 5 times a week for 50 mins with a professional trainer and 60 mins of cardio everyday including weekends that includes 10 mins of interval sprints. Last week I loss 5 lbs and have a similar week planned out starting tomorrow.

I'm guessing that my current BMR is around 2000 calories per day and use about 1000 calories during my workout. (i'm being conservative with my numbers here)

My question is if a loss of 5 lbs based on the above training plan too aggressive and unhealthy?


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Uh, yeah. Quite frankly it's horrible. You only have 39 lbs to lose, why on earth would you do this to yourself? It's dangerous and there's a negative percentage chance you'll maintain the loss.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Why would you do that to yourself?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • pktorm
    pktorm Posts: 24 Member
    I think maybe my last weeks losses were mostly water weight and guessing that my weight loss will slow down after this coming week. 5 lbs a week does sound alittle crazy too me and sometimes I feel light headed during the day.
  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    I've made an aggressive exercise and diet plan consuming around 1000 calories that doesn't include the multiple juicing with 1 multivitamin and 1 vitamin C. I weight train 5 times a week for 50 mins with a professional trainer and 60 mins of cardio everyday including weekends that includes 10 mins of interval sprints. Last week I loss 5 lbs and have a similar week planned out starting tomorrow.

    I'm guessing that my current BMR is around 2000 calories per day and use about 1000 calories during my workout. (i'm being conservative with my numbers here)

    My question is if a loss of 5 lbs based on the above training plan too aggressive and unhealthy?

    Do NOT do that!!! You will do so much more harm to yourself than good. First off, you won't lose the weight that way, and any you do lose will come right back and possibly worse. Your body will enter starvation mode, and will automatically store EVERYTHING you eat. The max amount of weight you should PLAN to lose is 2 lbs a week. If you lose more but eat/exercise for 2 lbs then thats fine. But if you intentionally push yourself that way you WILL harm yourself and your metabolism.

    Please, you are on MFP. It has the ability to calculate an ideal diet plan for you. Let it do that work for you. And if you exercise, input it on here, or find out how many calories you burned. And then EAT THOSE CALORIES. You already will have a weight loss deficit.

    I support you in losing weight, but I would be an awful person if I didn't say something. Do this the healthy way. Weight didn't get there overnight, and it won't come off overnight so be patient, and stay safe, please.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I would first of all calculate your BMR and your TDE, to find out what your basic metabolic rate is. You should always try and stay above your BMR if you do not want to harm your body. It needs that amount of calories to function properly! If you go below your BMR, your metabolic rate will slow down and your body shuts down certain functions to keep you alive.

    If you want to lose weight at a healthy rate, consume calories above your BMR, but below your TDE. If you overdo it, you will not be able to maintain it and very likely you will gain all the lost weight back.

    Good luck
  • It can be... Sometimes it is possible to do too much, and you will notice a decline in progress for weight loss. That is why it is recommended to take a couple of days off. I used to be really heavy on cardio "3,000+ a day nearly everyday" and I noticed that over time if I didn't switch my routine up a bit, or take some time off then progress would slow, and so would I. I tried avoiding calories much like you are, and when I did start to eat again, I just put the weight right back on. Between you and me, I use Oolong "Wu Long" tea anywhere between 4-10 times a day, and garcinia cambogia capsules with potassium "2,000 mg a day" and they have helped a lot. They curve appetite, inhibit some of the fats consumed, and help promote a healthy metabolism. There are many things they both do arguably but I won't go into complete details. They are both however all natural without fillers which if I am going to take anything, I personally require it to be. Not sure when you actually started, but that kind of loss in a week is very normal. You weight can fluctuate quite a bit from day to day, and losing a lot of weight from an aggressive first week is perfectly normal. Most of it is water weight, so your results may be different the next week. As for your 1,000 calories a day regiment, I would talk to your trainer about that. Based on your height and weight, they may tell you that 1,000 calories is way too little for that much exercise. It can be dangerous to lose more than 2 lbs a week, but depending on your situation "say if you were morbidly obese" than it may be less of a health risk to lose the weight quick rather than keep it on. It's not the fat visible around the outside that is extremely dangerous, but the unseen fat that cushions around our vital organs. When we exercise, it helps to keep that fat at bay, and from causing complications like heart and liver disease. Do be careful though, because starvation is very dangerous as well. In fact, the world record for the most weight loss was held by a woman who was pushing 1K lbs died after getting down to around 280 lbs because she basically starved herself to the point that her heart couldn't take the strain of the weight without nourishment. In short, definitely seek advice on your calorie intake with a professional nutritionist if you want a good and honest opinion.

    Hope things go well for you.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm guessing that my current BMR is around 2000 calories per day and use about 1000 calories during my workout. (i'm being conservative with my numbers here)

    You can't be both "guessing" and "conservative".

    Anyway, if you are actually running a 2000 calorie/day deficit, your exercise routine is about to blow up in your face. If it doesn't, you need to redo your math because it means your numbers are way off.

    Good luck.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Enjoy your stay in the hospital and your likely hair loss and loss of muscle tone. Delightful.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I've made an aggressive exercise and diet plan consuming around 1000 calories that doesn't include the multiple juicing with 1 multivitamin and 1 vitamin C. I weight train 5 times a week for 50 mins with a professional trainer and 60 mins of cardio everyday including weekends that includes 10 mins of interval sprints. Last week I loss 5 lbs and have a similar week planned out starting tomorrow.

    I'm guessing that my current BMR is around 2000 calories per day and use about 1000 calories during my workout. (i'm being conservative with my numbers here)

    My question is if a loss of 5 lbs based on the above training plan too aggressive and unhealthy?

    1000 calories+some vauge amount of juice? And you're occasionally light headed?

    Seems like a solid plan.
  • Kar3n84
    Kar3n84 Posts: 24 Member
    Why would you guess your current BMR? How does one even begin to do that?

    A more safe approach would be to calculate your TDEE - 20%.
    Try using this calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Unless you are on the Biggest Loser ... yes would be the best answer here.

    A good number is 1% of your weight per week. Cuts down on the bad things you see with quick weight loss. ]

    Good luck.
  • pktorm
    pktorm Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the link! BMR is 1934 and the TDEE is 2999

    Based on http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/lose-weight-fast-how-to-do-it-safely

    it says I can safely lose 3 pounds a week.

    I really appreciate the early heads up from all of you. It sounds like I need to invest some time in my nutrition plan!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    And safely doesn't even count what you could do to your body that will make maintenance, huh, interesting, to say the least, nor the opportunity to get really good at weight loss because you'll be repeating this effort many times in the future.

    Get ready - your body will adapt to protect where it thinks it needs to be, and fight you tooth and, well, might literally be nail, as many women find their nails get brittle and break easier and stop growing.

    Just read the study info given, one of the last pages in the thread has a link to HBO documentary you should listen to.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Unless you are on the Biggest Loser ... yes would be the best answer here.

    A good number is 1% of your weight per week. Cuts down on the bad things you see with quick weight loss. ]

    Good luck.

    That'd be 1.4 pounds a week for me instead of my .5-.75.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks for the link! BMR is 1934 and the TDEE is 2999

    Based on http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/lose-weight-fast-how-to-do-it-safely

    it says I can safely lose 3 pounds a week.

    I really appreciate the early heads up from all of you. It sounds like I need to invest some time in my nutrition plan!
    Trying to lose 5 pounds a week is plain on stupid due to the dire consequence that could result, and 3 pounds a week is unsafe as well.

    You only have 30 some odd pounds to lose, which is not much. Slow and easy does it, otherwise your chances of gaining ti back will be greater.

    By the way- why the hurry to lose weight?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Unless you are on the Biggest Loser ... yes would be the best answer here.

    A good number is 1% of your weight per week. Cuts down on the bad things you see with quick weight loss. ]

    Good luck.

    That'd be 1.4 pounds a week for me instead of my .5-.75.


    Ditto - it's not really a smart system, 1%.

    Perhaps obesely overweight it's decent, but at some point, it should lower.
    Just like % off TDEE lowers, just like MFP's method should lower too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    It would be if you were 500lbs or so.

    Stick to the basics:

    1% of your body weight a week.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    My question is if a loss of 5 lbs based on the above training plan too aggressive and unhealthy?
