What am i doing wrong?



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    so one of the best things that I have discovered that you can do is eat smaller multiple meals a day, and if you exercise try and eat back your calories, eating one or two meals a day causes your blood sugar levels to fluctuate drastically which will eventually inhibit you from loosing any weight. Eating 5 or 6 meals a day (which i see you have your diary set up to do) keeps your blood sugar levels stable and your metabolism running high (think of it as feeding a fire). on another note, I cant see how much sugar you are consuming daily but it might be a good idea to start tracking your sugar intake...good luck!

    No. Just, no.

    If you are going to disagree with him can you please explain why? Because that is kind of how I was always thought to lose weight, if there is other schools of thought I would like to know

    Meal timing/number of meals is a preference thing and nothing more. Eating frequent meals as a way to 'boost' metabolism has been debunked. Just do a search here on MFP and you'll find lots of threads about this subject.

    Also, unless you have a medical condition there's nothing wrong with sugar, as long as you stay within your allotted calorie range.
  • mdiaz0188
    mdiaz0188 Posts: 20 Member
    so one of the best things that I have discovered that you can do is eat smaller multiple meals a day, and if you exercise try and eat back your calories, eating one or two meals a day causes your blood sugar levels to fluctuate drastically which will eventually inhibit you from loosing any weight. Eating 5 or 6 meals a day (which i see you have your diary set up to do) keeps your blood sugar levels stable and your metabolism running high (think of it as feeding a fire). on another note, I cant see how much sugar you are consuming daily but it might be a good idea to start tracking your sugar intake...good luck!

    No. Just, no.

    If you are going to disagree with him can you please explain why? Because that is kind of how I was always thought to lose weight, if there is other schools of thought I would like to know

    Its a fallacy that one must eat smaller frequent meals throughout the day.

    If it works for you and keeps you successful, go for it.
    But for some, it causes them to always be thinling about food and create an unhealthy mindset.

    Plenty of people are successful eating one or two meals a day and for only a certain portion of the day. Its called intermittent fasting

    Agreed! If it works for you - GREAT! If it doesn't then DON'T EVEN ATTEMPT! I can't do it, I prefer my 3 meals a day and IF and that's only IF I do happen to get hungry during the day I'll have a snack but 5 small meals a day is def not for me! I tried doing this for a while and I pretty much ended up over-eating....I would snack here and there thinking that since they were small meals, no damage done...I started noticing that I wasn't losing any weight at the time...and I started realizing that all these snacks were adding up... although they were healthy choices like fruits and bars, etc...they still have plenty sugar to help get you off track...in my case every little bit of sugar counts..I'm 4'11 and 93-95lbs and try to keep my cal intake at about 1200 a day...! When I eat a substantial meal, it pretty much keeps me going till the next meal time and rarely have that desire to snack in between. But as stated, everyone is different, if that works for you by all means go for it, but if it doesn't then def reconsider ! Good luck! :)
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Are you entering your own recipes? I see a lot of entries that are like "potatoes fried in oil" and I'm wondering whether you use the recipe builder or if you're just using someone else's database entries.

    I'd do it like this:

    Raw Russet Potato-- 225 grams
    Vegetable oil-- 2 tbsp

    That way you know exactly how much potatoes and how much oil.

    Do you add milk or butter/oil to your scrambled egg? The entry for scrambled egg says 70 calories, which would be just the egg without anything else added. See what I'm saying?

    Seconding this; I add every component for my meals separately, since I rarely follow recipes exactly and change how I cook most meals. (Except my eggs. I make my eggs the same every single time, because they are incredible. XD)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so one of the best things that I have discovered that you can do is eat smaller multiple meals a day, and if you exercise try and eat back your calories, eating one or two meals a day causes your blood sugar levels to fluctuate drastically which will eventually inhibit you from loosing any weight. Eating 5 or 6 meals a day (which i see you have your diary set up to do) keeps your blood sugar levels stable and your metabolism running high (think of it as feeding a fire). on another note, I cant see how much sugar you are consuming daily but it might be a good idea to start tracking your sugar intake...good luck!

    first ever post contains bro-science...

    OP - go ahead and disregard this..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    like others said, you have incomplete days and inconsistent logging..

    I would recommend the following. For a month weigh/log/measure all your food and accurately input it into MFP, and eat 1800 calories a day. If you gain, the you are in surplus and need to reduce, if you lose then you are in deficit and are good; if you do not gain or lose then you are in maintenance and need to cut from this number.

    You cannot spot reduce fat, it will come off from where it wants. If you want the leaner look..then you will need to eat in a deficit, work out (I would go with compound movements and lift heavy), and hit your macros (would recommend 40p/30f/30c)....

    you really only need to train abs like once a week ...cardio is helpful but not necessary.
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    I don't know exactly what is your daily routine, but I would recommend that to get a diet plan and stick to it. Take your workouts easily and slowly, but with passion. Salad, skimmed milk, etc. is good. Also, you can eat healthy fats to give you energy for those workout sessions.