advice - should i bulk or cut (photos)

so i am 5'7-5'8 ish, weight fluctuates from 129-133 pounds, 18 years old, 27 inch waist 33 bust and 38 hips. I am happy with my body, always have been.. but not satisfied? i'm not sure if i should bulk or cut. I do want muscle mass and a flat stomach and don't really care about how much i weigh but i am not sure if i should cut a bit first or bulk. I would say im "skinny fat"? Im just afraid once i bulk since i know its pretty hard for women to gain muscle that i wont be satisfied because ill have more fat and just a little more muscle. would love any advice! so far i have been lifting 2-3x a week and some cardio.. just to stay in shape. stopped counting calories for a little while because i needed a break
here are some photos i took about 1-2 weeks ago.


  • Lucidlyatliberty
    Get into heavy lifting. It's a lot of fun too , and cool to see what you're capable of.
  • EpsilonGamma
    To be honest you look pretty good already.

    If you really wanted to, I would say take maybe a 200-300 caloric deficit and also do some weight lifting.

    I was pretty much in the same situation as you "skinny fat" and I tried weight lifting first but if you want to see muscles then you need to trim some fat. I went from 68kg to 64kg and I can see some defined muscle probably went from 16% body fat to about 11-12%

    These two articles are good reads for you.
  • millaxoxo
    thank you, yeah its just really frustrating because i cant really stick to a goal. about a year ago i lost weight eating 1200 calories and being dumb and got down to around 121 stomach was flatter but i was still kind of flabby....and gained it all back to my initial weight. so youre suggesting about 1500-1600 calories a day? how much should i lose before going full on bulk :\\\
  • millaxoxo
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    bump. Interested in replies...
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Eat at maintenance and try a lifting program

    This, you don't need to lose any weight.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Eat at maintenance and try a lifting program

    This, you don't need to lose any weight.


    After you do this for 3-6 months then re-evaluate.
  • EpsilonGamma
    Others have said maintenance and just do lifting. If you have that kind of mindset then yes go go.

    If you are like me and like looking at numbers and seeing physical changes, then yeah 200 deficit is a good way to go. It will be slow going. You'd lose about a pound every two weeks.

    Make sure to get a mid-high amount of protein (not the shakes) as they do two things, one protein (meat) satiates you for longer and also you need protein to maintain the muscles you have for lifting and while on a cut.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Eat at maintenance and try a lifting program

    This, you don't need to lose any weight.


    After you do this for 3-6 months then re-evaluate.

    Yup this...

    eating at a 200calorie a day deficet will result in appx 1lb loss every 3-4 more weight loss is needed...

    but do make sure you are getting in your protien.