

  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Anyone who contends that there is a fixed volume of water that is appropriate for all humans is simply wrong.

    Stating that sedentary men need 13 cups of water per day is just strange. 5'6" or 6'5"? "Oh it's different." Arid climate or humid climate? "Oh it's different." Differing dietary intake of Cl, K, Mg, or Na? "It's different." Ambient temperature? "It's different." Varying degrees of psychological stress w/varying degrees of apocrine gland activity? "Different." BF%/LBM? "Different." Circulation? "Different." Relative polyuria/oliguria? "Different."

    13 cups in other units:
    The appropriate daily water intake for a sedentary man is 3.07565 liters.
    The appropriate daily water intake for a sedentary man is 0.8125 gallons.
    The appropriate daily water intake for a sedentary man is 3,075.64707 cubic centimeters.

    Each of those three statements sounds utterly absurd. And yet . . .
  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
  • goldenguymsw
    goldenguymsw Posts: 191 Member
    Instead of questioning the validity of my information (which is research based from well respected sources) I would say...do it...drink the amount that I have mentioned....and I guarantee you....you will always want to continue drinking that much water...I feel 20 years younger and everything is better about my health and athletic performance...I have virtually no muscle soreness too...even after an 8 mile mountain trail run...and this is coming from a guy that has had three major knee injuries and two major knee surgeries including reconstructive knee surgery...not only are my muscles not sore...neither are my knees...whats absurd is arguing against my point without trying it for yourself and seeing the results for yourself....
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member

    I'm very glad you posted this and saved me the trouble of digging it up. Quoting so hopefully more people read it. There is so much false information when it comes to hydration
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    The information I gave you about water is not a myth at all but research based ... information that comes from health and fitness research from UNC that is used as a basis for the coursework for the National Academy of Sports Mediciine... through which I am a certified personal trainer... I live by it and tell everyone I know... and everyone that follows through with staying properly hydrated has enjoyed the same benefits as me including better skin and complexion, more energy, better focus, improved circulation resulting in improved EVERYTHING including muscle and athletic performance... among other things.... Sedentary women need 9 cups ...active women need 10-18 cups.... sedentary men need 13 cups... active men need 14 - 24 cups. The positive results will speak for themselves when you are properly hydrated... this is not just from a book but also from personal experience from me, all my fitness friends, and my personal training clients... hope this helps!

    I stand corrected. I am willing to admit when I wrong. :blushing:

    According to the Mayo Clinic
    "Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total. "

    The 8 glasses is for the average person, but not everyone is average. (actually it is a little less then recommended)
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    whats absurd is arguing against my point without trying it for yourself and seeing the results for yourself....

    I am not questioning validity or arguing points. It's not a debate; I told you that you were wrong and why. You've made your case and I've made mine. :flowerforyou:
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'll sometimes count it if I have a glass of almond milk (even though I still count the calories too) but not usually. The most helpful thing that I've found is my drinking water app. It was free on my droid. You just put in how many glasses you're aiming for a day with a start and stop time (I start mine with my wake up alarm and end it 1 hour before bed) and it gives you reminders throughout the day when you should have a glass. It's helped keep me on track a lot more with drinking enough water.