Why am I fat?

I'm aware that this is probably a tired old question here and I look like I want an easy fix but hear me out please ....

I joined MFP a while ago but didn't weigh myself accurately and it put my daily calorie count at 1700 which I struggled to eat each day (it felt too high) and I quickly gave up.

After taking a long hard look at what my life has become last month I quit smoking and heavy drinking and am now determined to be a healthier version of myself again.

I weighed myself accurately and told MFP I want to lose 2 lbs/week.

My stats are;

207 lbs (SW - Lost 2 lbs this week)
28 years old

MFP put me on 1200 calories but my BMR is 1700 so TDEE -20% is something like 2000+ calories.

I decided to just log what I eat for a week and see where I was falling down (without trying to eat healthy or cut down). I've tried to be as accurate with weighing food out as possible - and I just don't know where I am going wrong!?

Granted logging my food probably made me subconsciously eat a little less than usual and I've started bicycling or 'power walking' to work. I'm aware that MFP probably over calculates the calories burnt from this but my calorie totals are almost always under 1700 (except when I drink!)

I have been vegetarian for twenty years and try to avoid eggs/dairy. Cook almost all my meals from scratch. Don't eat chocolate or sweets. Don't drink pop. I get bad headaches at work from LED lights so drink at least 1 liter of water a day as norm.
I get a lot of carbs but not a ridiculous amount (I'm still under MFP totals which is below my actual totals!)

I know I need to exercise! Not (just) because I need to lose weight but because I am very unhealthy and struggle running 2 miles or walking up stairs (although quitting smoking is helping with this!)

Wondered if anyone with a lot more knowledge on nutrition than I could advise where I could cut back food wise?

Sorry for long post and thank you in advance - I believe my diary is open!


  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but I play one on tv.

    To me a week is just too small a sample size. Keep things simple, determine your calories by this site or another macro/calorie calculator on another site and keep at it for a month. See what happens then. Although you think you're always under, you probably aren't.

    And log everything...coffee, condiments, beverages..it all sneaks in there.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your diary isnt open.

    But if you've lost 2 pounds you're doing something right!
  • hi
    im christinya an im from the greater manchester area.
    iv always been the fat one well not any more this time i am working well thanx to my fitness pal and a little head start with xls medical i have lost 13lb in two week.
    would love to chat, have and give support as we can all do this xx
  • VeganMagpie
    VeganMagpie Posts: 24 Member
    Whoops thanks for point that out!

    I guess I can't complain as I am losing ... just not sure exactly what I am doing right! haha
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    Do you use the calorie estimate from MFP for exercise? If so, I would recommend buying a heart rate monitor watch, then you can get a more accurate view of what calories you are burning.
    Just make sure you are logging and weighing everything, I know sometimes this isn't possible or a pain, but it really is the key.

    Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will support and encourage you

    ps you are doing something right if you lost 2lbs this week!
  • Rainyday816
    Rainyday816 Posts: 29 Member
    My guess is, first off, you might want to allow yourself a little more calories for the day. If your goal is 1200 and your activity level is set at sedentary, make sure you log the time you spend walking/biking to work to make sure your body is getting enough energy and protein. Of course, I'm the kind of person who says if you don't feel like you need to eat, don't, but you don't want to skip breakfast and then be so hungry when you get to work that you eat 4 of your co-workers homemade brownies. My point is, be consistent - you want to find the right level of calories where you feel satisfied enough but are still losing weight, and you don't want to push yourself so hard you slip up.

    Honestly, though, my main suggestion is cut back on alcohol, which you already seem to be pretty aware of. I've been a yo-yo dieter my entire life, and that makes me VERY aware of what does or doesn't make me gain weight, and alcohol is definitely one of them. Most alcoholic beverages are very high calorie and carb-dense, but everybody knows that. Personally, I feel like the dehydration effects from excessive drinking mess me up for at least a day or two - my digestive system slows down , I feel sluggish, and of course the last thing I want to do is check the scale when I have to drink an entire 24-ounce bottle of water in order to get out of bed. If I were you I'd try to limit your drinks according to your calorie count, drink a glass of water in between each one so you don't get too dehydrated, and jut don't weigh yourself for a few days afterwards. Give your body a few days to get back to normal, then check the scale.

    Also, definitely up your exercise to at least a few times a week and try to get some weight training in there. A lot of people on MFP swear by lifting because while you don't burn a lot of calories, building and maintaining muscle usually ups your BMR. Just make sure you get plenty of protein - tofu, veggie burgers, greek yogurt, and nuts are all great sources.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    MFP gave you such a low calorie goal because your 2 pound per week goal is a bit too high. With the amount of weight you have to lose, 1 to 1.5 pounds per week is a more reasonable/ideal goal. But since you already figured out your BMR and TDEE-20%, you can just custom set your calorie goals to that and know that eating at least up to your BMR is ideal.

    As far as food goes, there's no good or bad as far as weight loss. Health wise, I'd recommend eating per the usual advice - fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats, eggs, greek yogurts, healthy oils, nuts, legumes etc etc. Don't believe in the low fat or low carb hype - that's just fad dieting. Unless you've got a medical condition (PCOS, diabetes, severe risk of heart disease, etc) there's no need to avoid fats or carbs. They're essential nutrients and necessary for a balanced diet.

    And yes, exercise as much as you can fit it in. It's not only good for you cardiovascular health, it will help with balance, mobility, bone strength and several other things for years to come.