Totally Off Topic

Vmg773 Posts: 49 Member
My roommate is driving me crazy. At the risk of sounding arrogant, she's trying to be me. I want a peaceful home, so I don't want to feel angry about this, but I am.

She's engaged, whenever she has to do something with her fiance and I'm going out with my friends she complains. She has taken to eating like I eat, talking like I talk, and working out like I work out. I guess it's good in some respects, I just miss being an individual. Since moving to our town she has made no friends independently of me. She volunteers to tag along on everything I do. I've told her no a couple of times, but then I feel guilty since she has no other friends.

There's not a lot I can do to rectify the situation, she's getting married in august, so it's not like she's going to work to make friends before that. I'm wondering if there's a way to tolerate it better. Or maybe I just needed to rant.