what motivates you?

I think that when trying to motivate myself I find fuel from others. Whether its aspiring to be as fit & healthy as one of my mentors, or by admiring a friends self discipline. Evryone has something that gets them going, and I have found when I don't have a specific motivator or short term goals I struggle to workout and eat right.

What motivates you? For my mom it's the idea of fitting into a new dress for my someday wedding. For me I'm motivated by the psychological benefits of being healthier. When I gained weight in the last year I was more lethargic, felt less confident, and became somewhat depressed- as I loose the weight I feel like I'm returning to my old self again.

I feel that by knowing what motivates others we can better motivate ourselfves :)


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Going to the doctor and just having better numbers on my blood work is a great motivator. Both my parents are on cocktails of pills and medicines. I want to stay off those as long as possible.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I want to fit into my old jeans. I want to not cringe and hide when someone is taking pictures or have to tilt my head a certain way to worry about my face looking rolly and huge. I want to feel confident when walking in places. I want my husband to think I'm sexy again. I want to enjoy shopping again.