dont know what just happened!



  • caroline_mason42
    caroline_mason42 Posts: 83 Member
    Had a haribo crisis over the weekend - had to throw the remaining ones in the bin last night as I am sure I can hear them calling to me every time I am near that particular cupboard in the kitchen :laugh:
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Went in the kitchen to decide what to cook for tea tonight and ended up eating. A bar of chocolate, a packet of crisps, a chocolate belgium waffle...why? Feel like Im going back to square one.
    I thought you had such horible food issues that you couldn't eat anything and it was so bad you couldn't even get enough calories.

    Such a harsh response made me look at her threads. Seems she has a food aversion resulting from pregnancy.

    OP, start drinking some flavored protein shakes and discuss this with a health professional if you haven't already.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    Bah, over christmas I stopped dieting and gained all my weight again.

    Try not to cut everything out at once, and find ways to reward yourself. Not through diet, but through nail polish or anything that you enjoy really!

    Don't be hard on yourself. We all mess up, however if 90% of the time we're eating correctly, its okay if we **** up 10% of the time.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Anyone who has been in the position to need to lose a good chunk of weight has been in this position... A LOT. You didn't undo your hard work. The hard work is today, when you have to forgive yourself, forget about it, and get back on track right now. You're capable, do it!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    It sure looks like you overcame your problem you were having last week...
    I have numerous problems with food. There are very few foods I can actually eat. Hence always being below calories. I am trying to up my calories by having a juice or soup. However having fruit and veg this way reduces the amount of fiber. Any ideas?

    Just eat whatever fits into your calorie goals for now, once you master that---- then start attempting to focus on nutrition.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Do you restrict yourself from certain foods? If so, that is probably your culprit.

    It's better to let yourself have them regularly in moderate doses making them fit in your calorie scheme than to make something off limits.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    There are many reasons for this - PMS, TOM, hunger, deprivation, etc. But whatever the reason, you are only back to square one if you choose to be. Otherwise, you made a bad decision and it's time to move on.

    Food consumption is about conscious choices. Period. PMS, mestruation and other things are not responsible for food choices and scapegoating them onlu leads to longer term issues.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There are many reasons for this - PMS, TOM, hunger, deprivation, etc. But whatever the reason, you are only back to square one if you choose to be. Otherwise, you made a bad decision and it's time to move on.

    Food consumption is about conscious choices. Period. PMS, mestruation and other things are not responsible for food choices and scapegoating them onlu leads to longer term issues.
    I guess you've never actually experienced the insatiable hunger that often accompanies PMS. The kind of hunger where no matter what or how much you eat, you continue feeling so hungry you're actually light-headed.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    There are many reasons for this - PMS, TOM, hunger, deprivation, etc. But whatever the reason, you are only back to square one if you choose to be. Otherwise, you made a bad decision and it's time to move on.

    Food consumption is about conscious choices. Period. PMS, mestruation and other things are not responsible for food choices and scapegoating them onlu leads to longer term issues.

    Says you. It is perfectly acceptable, and empowering, to recognize that you have cravings during different, specific instances. The fact that you give in to those cravings is the issue, not that you have the cravings. :wink:
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    There are many reasons for this - PMS, TOM, hunger, deprivation, etc. But whatever the reason, you are only back to square one if you choose to be. Otherwise, you made a bad decision and it's time to move on.

    Food consumption is about conscious choices. Period. PMS, mestruation and other things are not responsible for food choices and scapegoating them onlu leads to longer term issues.
    I guess you've never actually experienced the insatiable hunger that often accompanies PMS. The kind of hunger where no matter what or how much you eat, you continue feeling so hungry you're actually light-headed.

    Yup. I have PMDD/PMS, so the symptoms are very real to me. It doesn't mean that I always give into the cravings; it just means that I have a valid reason for being a ravenous animal during this time. Exercise, or some other distraction, seems to help me during these times.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    It sure looks like you overcame your problem you were having last week...
    I have numerous problems with food. There are very few foods I can actually eat. Hence always being below calories. I am trying to up my calories by having a juice or soup. However having fruit and veg this way reduces the amount of fiber. Any ideas?

    Just eat whatever fits into your calorie goals for now, once you master that---- then start attempting to focus on nutrition.

    Interesting, because a week ago she says she doesn't eat fruits or vegetables and only likes pizza and pasta.
    Diet wise Im like a child. Will only eat certain foods, like Pizza, Pasta..I can't eat most fruit only Apple. Any Veg I have has to be smooth so I can't feel the texture. If something isnt cooked the way I like it, I wont eat it. Im scared of trying new food...tried to get help from the doctors but they wont help. I have had eating problems in the past when my mum made me packed lunches I used to put the food in the bin and make it look like I was eating when I wasnt. On rare occasions when I have tried something new I've gagged and been sick.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There are many reasons for this - PMS, TOM, hunger, deprivation, etc. But whatever the reason, you are only back to square one if you choose to be. Otherwise, you made a bad decision and it's time to move on.

    Food consumption is about conscious choices. Period. PMS, mestruation and other things are not responsible for food choices and scapegoating them onlu leads to longer term issues.
    I guess you've never actually experienced the insatiable hunger that often accompanies PMS. The kind of hunger where no matter what or how much you eat, you continue feeling so hungry you're actually light-headed.

    Yup. I have PMDD/PMS, so the symptoms are very real to me. It doesn't mean that I always give into the cravings; it just means that I have a valid reason for being a ravenous animal during this time. Exercise, or some other distraction, seems to help me during these times.
    I don't even have that!

    I don't crave specific foods with my PMS, but I do feel ridiculously hungry, where my normal amount of food that's usually more than satisfying is nowhere near enough. I try to make healthy choices still, but it's difficult not to overeat during those times.
  • dedgjonator
    Everything is true. I binged on the bad food, because I banned it. I was hoping that banning it would have forced me to try something different. I was low on the calories because of not allowing myself to have the food that made me big. Before joining MFP I was over eating on crisps, cake, chocolate before starting I was having too many calories. I have zero will power and no energy. My LG is not sleeping well at night, think she is teething. How can I add the belgian waffle into the diary? There is no nutrional info on the packet. I can't find anything similiar on the database unless Im not searching right.. Maybe I do have a split personality, I do swing in roundabouts. One minute getting out walking, going to the gym. Next week relying on the car...I do have an unhealthy relationship with food. However I did try lettuce during the ban from chocolate. So there is atleast on plus...
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    There are many reasons for this - PMS, TOM, hunger, deprivation, etc. But whatever the reason, you are only back to square one if you choose to be. Otherwise, you made a bad decision and it's time to move on.

    Food consumption is about conscious choices. Period. PMS, mestruation and other things are not responsible for food choices and scapegoating them onlu leads to longer term issues.
    I guess you've never actually experienced the insatiable hunger that often accompanies PMS. The kind of hunger where no matter what or how much you eat, you continue feeling so hungry you're actually light-headed.

    Yup. I have PMDD/PMS, so the symptoms are very real to me. It doesn't mean that I always give into the cravings; it just means that I have a valid reason for being a ravenous animal during this time. Exercise, or some other distraction, seems to help me during these times.
    I don't even have that!

    I don't crave specific foods with my PMS, but I do feel ridiculously hungry, where my normal amount of food that's usually more than satisfying is nowhere near enough. I try to make healthy choices still, but it's difficult not to overeat during those times.

    ^^I feel ya. It's a battle of wills on those days for me, too! Sometimes, I just stand in the pantry and nibble on a little bit of everything anyway. Lol!
  • dedgjonator
    With fruit and veg I've only managed them as a smooth soup or juice. I can't eat it whole or as pieces.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Everything is true. I binged on the bad food, because I banned it. I was hoping that banning it would have forced me to try something different. I was low on the calories because of not allowing myself to have the food that made me big. Before joining MFP I was over eating on crisps, cake, chocolate before starting I was having too many calories. I have zero will power and no energy. My LG is not sleeping well at night, think she is teething. How can I add the belgian waffle into the diary? There is no nutrional info on the packet. I can't find anything similiar on the database unless Im not searching right.. Maybe I do have a split personality, I do swing in roundabouts. One minute getting out walking, going to the gym. Next week relying on the car...I do have an unhealthy relationship with food. However I did try lettuce during the ban from chocolate. So there is atleast on plus...

    Change is hard, and it's easiest (and more sustainable) if you don't try to do it all overnight. Baby steps.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    With fruit and veg I've only managed them as a smooth soup or juice. I can't eat it whole or as pieces.
    Make smoothies and drink them. You get all the fiber and vitamins that way. No chewing.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    With fruit and veg I've only managed them as a smooth soup or juice. I can't eat it whole or as pieces.
    Make smoothies and drink them. You get all the fiber and vitamins that way. No chewing.

    This is what my husband does for breakfast, and he seems to do pretty well with it. Otherwise, he'd eat NO veggies or fruits.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    With fruit and veg I've only managed them as a smooth soup or juice. I can't eat it whole or as pieces.
    Make smoothies and drink them. You get all the fiber and vitamins that way. No chewing.

    This is what my husband does for breakfast, and he seems to do pretty well with it. Otherwise, he'd eat NO veggies or fruits.

    I have no aversions to fruits and veggies. I eat a salad nearly every day. But I have a sweet tooth and a fruit smoothie with some chocolate peanut butter and a little light whipped cream is a great dessert.