
johnnymac999 Posts: 3 Member
I would love if members from all the countries represented on MFP would post simple bean preparation recipes from their respective countries. I am trying to make beans my main source of protein, and I am getting bored of the different ways I prepare them.......


  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    garbanzo cookie dough is delish
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Pretty much any bean can be made into hummus (I have black bean hummus in my fridge right now)

    I love bean salad and it keeps well in the fridge with a basic vinegarette dressing I don't really have a recipe but this is what I put in:

    Kidney Beans
    Chick Peas
    Green Beans
    Yellow Beans
    Black Beans

    thinly sliced bell peppers
    thinly sliced red onion

    simple vinegarette - I usually just go to a cookbook or online and find one for beans salad. The sugar content in the dressing is usually quite high and I haven't made bean salad since I started MFP so I don't have an alternative yet. Not sure if I really need an alternative as you don't really eat a lot of the dressing it's more like a pickle juice than a dressing? But the one I used to make would keep really well (a couple of weeks).

    These are the best baked beans I have ever had - it's my brother in laws recipe:

    4 cups white beans
    2 cups brown sugar
    2 cans tomato soup or 1 can and 1 cup of barbecue sauce
    4 tblsp molasses
    2 tsp Keens Dry Mustard
    pepper to taste
    ham or smoked pork hocks and bacon

    Boil beans in a large pot with 2 tblsp of baking soda for about 20 mins. Skim off foam, Once partially soft rinse beans well
    Put beans in roasting pan with all other ingredients, cover with water and bake uncovered at 350 (there is no bake time on my recipe but I bake them until they are the right consistency - about 1 - 1 1/2 hrs.

    Also I roasted the smoked pork hock in the roaster I used for the beans before hand and then removed the hocks and shredded the meat. I would say you would get at least 10-12 servings (we had them at chrismas and there were 12 of us but we all had a bit and there were some left over. Sorry I wasn't measuring then :(

    These always taste better the second day and I haven't made them since Christmas so I imagine they are kind of high calorie so you could probably do the following:

    replace the soup with canned tomatoes or plain tomato sauce
    cut back a bit on the brown sugar
    use smoked chicken

    -edit- don't forget to soak the beans over night!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    From my respective country (I think): (brown)kidney beans with crispy bacon bits. Serve with rice and pickled (silverskin) onions. Very yum, but not sure about the macro's on that one lol. Probably needs some veggies..
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I make spicy black bean soup a lot.. Not at all from my country but from our southern neighbors:). Or Chili, Mmmmm I love chili.

    For the black bean soup I take a whole bag of black beans (usually a pound), and soak them over night. In the morning I drain them and put them in my crock pot with: 4 cups chicken broth, a couple cloves of garlic, a few jalapeno peppers, taco seasoning (I make mine homemade but you could also just buy the premade stuff), and salt and pepper to taste. It's also yummy if you cook up some chorizo and put that in there.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I make a batch of pinto beans pretty much every Sunday...I do them in the crock pot overnight. They are a staple food for my family and one batch lasts us about 1 week.

    - 1 Lb dried kidney beans soaked in water and salt for 8-10 hours
    - 15 oz can of diced tomatoes or dice your own
    - One onion
    - One green bell pepper
    - 2 Tbsp chopped garlic
    - 1/2 bunch of fresh chopped cilantro
    - One 12 Oz lager beer
    - about a quart or so of tap water

    cook on low for 8-10 hours.

    I used to throw in some jalapeno as well, but it makes it too spicy for my boys so I just spice mine up after the fact with some Hatch Red Chile sauce.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    How about chana masala?

    ridiculously tasty...

    ETA: Although English, previously lived in South India for a while... hope that counts!?