Juice Plus, advice please.

pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
Hi guys,

For starters I am in no way interested in getting into Juice Plus or any of their products, I count my cals and eat real food. So for those that are of the TLDR variety hopefully that has weeded out some replies.

Basically, my sister has suddenly had some sort of 'brainwave' and has decided to become a Juice Plus rep. I assume its something like Beachbody or skin care type franchises where people are encouraged to become 'independent sellers' and earn commission etc through promoting the lifestyle and the products etc.

Now I have nothing against her wanting her own little mini business or franchise and if its ok and not damaging to other or her then go for it. But she is coming over tonight for dinner and no doubt this is going to come up at the table and I want some decent ammo to fire at her, questions and the likes because I just know she is going to be very biased about it and no doubt won over by all their very smart marketing etc. So has anyone had any results? Or know anyone who has, positive or negative. I'm not going to bother going down the route of 'all you need to do is eat healthy etc rather than take supplements etc' since that sort of stuff won't really work as there are always alternatives people will try, and not everything is 'bad' just not necessarily the hard dedicated way most of us would do it.

More after proper facts/studies and personal experience.

Thanks as always.


  • jeninchar
    jeninchar Posts: 1 Member
    I have a close friend seriously considering this too so I would be interested in hearing comments as well.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I hate pretty much all MLM's. So I'm in.

    Found this, it'll give you some ammo: http://www.fitness-equipment-health.com/juice_plus_complaints.html

    You know how I know it's a scam already? There's a website called Juice Plus Scam. And it's operated by Juice Plus. They're good.

    They are just trying to silence the haters like you that feel the compulsion to knock their products at every chance!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I used to get into finding things like this to fire at my sister.

    Then she got cancer.

    Life is to short, or to long, to try and intentionally get into it with people we love.

    Listen and laugh maybe? Or how about, lets not even go there because I do not believe in what you are doing, so we may as well enjoy our evening.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I used to get into finding things like this to fire at my sister.

    Then she got cancer.

    Life is to short, or to long, to try and intentionally get into it with people we love.

    Listen and laugh maybe? Or how about, lets not even go there because I do not believe in what you are doing, so we may as well enjoy our evening.

    Sorry about your sister, but I'd still rather help educate my sister in case this is something she really shouldn't get involved in and potentially save her a lot of money.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    JuicePlus is basically just vitamins -- it's a dietary supplement that supposedly is the equivalent of some ridiculous amount of fruits and veggies.

    I have a friend who sells this and she's obnoxious about it. Just tell her you'd rather eat your produce than take a pill or chew a gummy and that you get plenty that way.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I used to get into finding things like this to fire at my sister.

    Then she got cancer.

    Life is to short, or to long, to try and intentionally get into it with people we love.

    Listen and laugh maybe? Or how about, lets not even go there because I do not believe in what you are doing, so we may as well enjoy our evening.

    Sorry about your sister, but I'd still rather help educate my sister in case this is something she really shouldn't get involved in and potentially save her a lot of money.

    I understand but if she is anything like the rest of us, she must learn her lessons the hard way. As long as she does not come to you or your parents to bail her out of financial troubles, then do not deny her the pain of growth.

    And ya never know, there are actually enough people out there that would rather spend the money on a quick fix than actually doing the work it takes to be healthy and fit.
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    I had a friend once who swore by Juice Plus, because she couldn't get her kids to eat vegetables or even fruit, so she thought these would do the trick to get them their nutrients. She hosted a "Juice Plus Party" and invited moms and kids. First off, the woman who was leading the "class" for the kids decide to body-shame them, talking about how "you kids don't want to get fat, right? Fat people are gross!" which turned me right off.

    Later they were talking about how they take all these vegetables and fruits and use a "proprietary method" to dehydrate them and grind them up and put them in pills. I asked if heat was used during the process, which would potentially destroy vitamins. All the woman would tell me was "It's a proprietary method." Luckily, I am allergic to apples and the main fruit listed in their pills was "Apples" so I was able to decline with regrets and not have to buy anything.

    I think it's snake oil, personally. But I wouldn't try to get into it with a family member. If they go on about something that has "changed their life" I just say "That's great! How nice for you," and move on. If she pressures you to buy some, just say you're short on funds, or you already bought your vitamins for the month, maybe next month.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I used to get into finding things like this to fire at my sister.

    Then she got cancer.

    Life is to short, or to long, to try and intentionally get into it with people we love.

    Listen and laugh maybe? Or how about, lets not even go there because I do not believe in what you are doing, so we may as well enjoy our evening.

    Sorry about your sister, but I'd still rather help educate my sister in case this is something she really shouldn't get involved in and potentially save her a lot of money.
    She'll probably actually make money on this. Consider the number of gullible people out there looking for stuff like this to throw their money at.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Juice Plus has been around for nearly 20 years and was added to NSA's products of water filters and air filters. The original spokesperson for the product was OJ Simpson (the juice) until he came up on murder charges. You can only guess the joke slogans that came after that. This is a MLM company so the biggest issue your sister needs to be aware of is the initial investment and return policies. So many people that sold the water filters and air filters ended up with thousands of dollars of product in their basement and no way of returning it. If she's asked to buy in at a certain level then that should be another red flag.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Okay, now I remember! It took me awhile. Way back when I was very, very uneducated about nutrition and fitness my chiropractor and friend got me to try this stuff.

    I felt no difference between taking it and not taking it. I only stayed on it for one shipment of a four month supply because I couldn't afford it. I still ate my regular amount of fruits and vegetables so I think while I lost weight in that time period it was because of a calorie deficit, not because of Juice Plus. Btw, I later gained all that weight plus more back because I went back to my old ways of eating and not exercising, which is why I'm here.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I just know dinner time tonight will be interesting.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I just know dinner time tonight will be interesting.
    These reps are incredibly pushy.

    My friend lives far away, but everything she posts on FB references the stuff. And she keeps sending me PMs asking for "a few minutes of my time." I politely begged off the first couple times. The last time, I ignored her. Someone actually called her out on it once and she just made a passive-aggressive post about it and all her friends who drank the Kool-Aid backed her up.

    If she was in my face with it, I don't know what I would do.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Well she might no even mention it tonight, I don't even think she had heard of it 2 weeks ago. It looks like she went with her friend to a Juice Plus evening a few days ago and probably got pretty indoctrinated. "Independence blah blah/be your own boss blah blah". She might be totally cool with it, but I wanted to be prepared in case she bought her chalk board with graphs ;).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Good luck! It's cult-like.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Just another MLM product that people"think" they are going to get rich. There is no science backing up the product that I could find....oh there is one. Dr Wise, an author of a research paper supporting juice plus owns 16% of the company.

    Also 98% of people in MLM's make no money.

    The Juice Plus Business Opportunity

    NSA offers a business opportunity promoting the Juice Plus products as an independent distributor using their “virtual franchise” model. Distributors earn money on the difference between wholesale cost and retail profit, in addition to a percentage commission of 6% to 22% based on sales volume.

    While the compensation plan is extremely complicated, what it boils down to is that the distributor would need to build an organization of thousands of retail customers consuming the product month after month in order to build any significant income. Unfortunately, history and experience have shown that such compensation plans make it extremely unlikely that the average person will be able to trade their day job for a new career as a network marketing distributor.

    Here is a good read also from American Institute for Technology and Science Education

    "No, Your MLM Doesn’t Work"

  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    Wow! If this was my sister I'd give her my undivided attention to hear what she has to say because they are family. If they didn't bring it up I would because I love them and want to know what is happening in their lives. I'd also hope for their success in their new business adventurer and try and help them where I can. This doesn't always have to mean buying something or selling something yourself but it does mean I want her to know I'm here to help where I can.

    Years ago my wife did Tupperware, Premier Design Jewelry, and Pampered Chef while raising our 3 children so I know how important it is for having family support.