Is it possible to loose 15 Lbs in 2 months?? HELP

Hi there,

I am 5'7" and I weigh about 153 pounds I am 36 years old. I sit at a desk most of the day.
I was shocked when I got on the scale as I am usually around 145-147. I am getting married in October and need to start the hunt for a dress BUT I don’t want to try a dress on looking like this. I know I will be upset at the way I look and I want it to be a positive experience. I am a pretty self-conscious person. I have always wanted to look beautiful on this day - and part of that is finding me beautiful.

Any advice?? How can I shed 10-15 pounds asap??


  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    It is entirely possible for some people to lose 15 lbs in two months-- I do. BUT I have about 90 pounds to lose total, so I don't have to fight for every pound like a lot of MFPers do. I would just start dress shopping as is, and if you have to go a size up, you have to go a size up. Take comfort in knowing that your body won't always be this size-- it's the very beginning. :) That's what I have to do when I get fed up with my current weight.

    As for advice, track every calorie, get a food scale and weigh your food before you log/eat it, and find an exercise program that works best for you! I'm not spilling any secrets or anything, but as it turns out everyone is right when they say that diet and exercise is the only way to lose a couple pounds. :) Best of luck! And congrats on your wedding!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    woah, deja vu.

    It's possible, but it may not be healthy or advisable. The closer you are to your goal weight the slower you're going to lose. It's unfortunate, but you don't want to harm your body or risk losing lean muscle mass at this point. 1/2 to 1 pound a week right now is the most you want to aim for.

    As said in your other thread, look into strength training routines. They're going to change the way your body looks much faster than dieting will.
  • Cobweb200
    I would have thought 15 pounds could be doable in 2 months if you have not other health issues. You would have to be dedicated stick your calorie allowance and do some exercise. BUT you have an amazing thing to look forward to so you have the inspiration you need to get going!

    Good Luck and happy dress hunting xx
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Yes it's possible but for someone who really doesn't need to lose much weight, it would be incredibly hard and probably unhealthy. If you were obese (like me), weight would come off much quicker in the beginning. When I was thinner and only had a few lbs to lose it often took quite awhile. You should be losing 1-2 lbs per week. If you lose 2 lbs per week, then you can lose 16 lbs in two months.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You can't shed that much weight safely, ESPECIALLY if you're already at a pretty healthy weight, which you are. Pick a more sustainable goal, pick a dress that fits and if you lose weight before your wedding, have the dress taken in. No one here is going to support unhealthy weight loss.

    I'm going to tell you what I do, but I'm in no way suggesting you do it or that it's the only option. Just giving you an option. I eat low carb and high fat, which is called Ketogenic, or keto for short. I started eating that way in July and have since then lost 30 lbs. The first 10-15 lbs were water weight, but the rest is actual weight because my measurements did go down. I do exercises with the Wii Fit and track steps taken throughout the day with the Wii Fit Meter. If you're interested in giving this a try, here's a link that helps explain it better than I can.
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I am 5'7" and I weigh about 153 pounds I am 36 years old. I sit at a desk most of the day.
    I was shocked when I got on the scale as I am usually around 145-147. I am getting married in October and need to start the hunt for a dress BUT I don’t want to try a dress on looking like this. I know I will be upset at the way I look and I want it to be a positive experience. I am a pretty self-conscious person. I have always wanted to look beautiful on this day - and part of that is finding me beautiful.

    Any advice?? How can I shed 10-15 pounds asap??

    I am also 5'7" and we are at similar weights (although I have a bit more to lose than you do). I would say 5 pounds a month would be a good estimate for you. So yes, it is definitely possible to lose 10 to 15 pounds in two months. But you're going to have to be very strict with your calories and your exercise because you don't have time for cheating to delay you!

    Also, consider wedding dresses with a corset back - the lace up kind. That way when you lose, it'll still fit! That's what I did with mine! :) (I also got married in October! 2010.)
  • deniseis
    Wow...thanks for your help! Glad the majority of people here are nice. Have a great day!
  • deniseis
    Thanks for your opinion! Have a nice day!